Chapter 57, Welcome To The Machine.

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Saturday update!!!



Niall and I pull into Louis' driveway, parking behind the car that's already there. Within seconds, I'm out and knocking on his door. The car ride over was mostly filled with silence, or with Niall's weak attempts to reassure me, or his failed attempts to calm me down. When I get no response with knocking, I prepare myself to break the small window next to the door. Before I get the chance, Niall's harsh whisper fills my ears. "Harry! Are you out of your mind? There's people outside, go around back and wait for me." I look at the street, and realize that he's right. Louis' neighbors all look like they're going to church, most of them are dressed in their 'Sunday best' and getting into cars, or standing outside on their lawns. I sigh and back off, trying to act casual as I walk around the gate that leads to the backyard.

 Thanks to Niall, the back doors lock gets picked in record time, since there was no window that I could break or slip into close to the door. I could've broken the door down but if Louis is here, breaking the door wouldn't help his probable ongoing hysteria. Once I'm in, I turn to Niall and slowly say, "I'm going to check his room and the crawl space, you check the spare rooms just in case." He nods, but before he's out of earshot I add, "Niall, remember to call out to him and tell him who you are. Everything's a threat to him right now, and I have a feeling that he'll shoot first." With that instruction, I head towards Louis' bedroom, leaving Niall to check the rest of the house.


The room is empty. A big part of Harry knew that Louis wouldn't be here, but a small part of him had hoped that when he opened the door, Louis would be there, sleeping in the bed with two balls of fur wrapped around him. Harry's gut sinks, and in a futile attempt, he walks into the closet, holding his breath as he moves the tap door away. He sighs in frustration when he finds the small space empty. He sits back on his calves, and can't stop himself from punching the wall next to his head. He can't help but feel... Lost. he feels like he's shooting into the dark, and he knows that he shouldn't even feel this way because a part of him knew. He knew that Louis would leave, but he didn't think it would be so soon. Still, it's hurting him more than he thought it would, and overall he feels helpless.

In his mind, Harry had hoped that he would at least get to plead his case and get to explain things, to persuade Louis into staying. Clearly, he didn't plan on the younger man leaving in the middle of the night without anything other than 'Don't try to find me'. Harry stands when he hears footsteps, and he tries to cover what he's feeling by making himself busy. When he turns and sees Niall, he says, "He's not here. I need you to find his keys, or hotwire his car and drive it to Ed's. Find out anything you can, and drive the car home. Make sure that you look at traffic cams. Hell, put a word in with our police connections, I don't care. Just find him." Niall nods, and he speaks up before I can try to lie or wave off the look on his face. "Harry? We'll get him back, try to keep your head on for a while longer. Right now, you've got things to do. Plus, with the Rowes and your father, plus C18, you can't afford to look weak."

Harry glares at his friend, feeling distant as he says, "Just go and don't come home empty handed." When he sees the blond's doubting face, he adds, "And Niall? We might be friends but that doesn't mean that you can speak to me that way. I'm still your Boss, remember your place." With that, Harry pushes past Niall and heads for the door, ignoring the sarcastic, "Yes Boss" that he gets in response. He decides that he'll go to 17Black, since he knows that it'll be quiet on its only closed day. At least then he can keep himself busy and bury himself in work, to distract himself from the hole forming inside of him.

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