Chapter 11, Duality Of Man

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Hii, late update because I didn't wanna just post two this time. 



As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I regret them. The way Louis whips his head around, a look of shock mixed with anger written on his face is something that immediately makes me want to apologize. Before I can get the words out, Louis is moving from his spot near his car and towards me. Before I can hold my hands out to keep distance between us, Louis is pressed up against me, with a deadly look in his eyes. Being this close to him, I can see the different shades of blue in his eyes, and I'm so distracted by this, that I almost don't notice the cold metal being pressed against the right side of my neck. Ignoring the way my cock twitches in my pants in reaction, I wait for Louis to make his move and hope he doesn't notice how flushed this is making me. I know he probably wont kill me but fuck, i wouldn't blame him if he did after noticing how sick i probably look right now. After a few seconds, I watch as Louis seems to decide not to press the knife into my jugular. Lowering the knife, he speaks for what seems like the first time in forever. "I don't know what you were told about me, but I know most of it is bullshit. Leave me alone, asshole." With that, Louis speed walks to his car and gets into it before I can blink. Hearing the sound of an engine starting, I decide not to bother him any further, not knowing if he's mad enough to follow through with his threats. Watching Louis speed away, I decide it's time to head home. Checking my phone, I see a few texts from Niall saying 'CONGRATS' followed by a confetti and eggplant emoji. I ignore the text, and call Zayn.

"Hello?" Zayns' tired voice comes through the phone. I look at the time, and realize that it's already almost 2 A.M. "Hey Zee, ya feel like lighting something, err...someone on fire?" I say, staring at the van while simultaneously trying to look out for cars or drunkards and persuade him at the same time. It doesn't take much though, before I can even explain myself he responds. "Send me an address, I'm getting ready now." In the background I think I can hear Liam asking questions and cursing. I hang up, and drop a pin to signal where he's needed. I wait for him to arrive, listening to the quiet street and watching drunk people slowly make their way home. After sitting in silence for ten minutes, Zayn pulls up in a black SUV. As he gets out of the car, all he says is "Anyone I know?" i shake my head, and say "just some sick fuck. He's probably already bled out in the back of the van, I know you won't get your prints anywhere but be careful, alright. The dude deserved it but someones gonna be looking for him." Without turning to gauge Zayns' reaction, I head to my car and make my way home.

After arriving home and doing my late night routine of eating leftovers in a dark kitchen and getting myself ready for bed, I make my way into my office to tidy up the mess I'd made trying to get information on Louis. From what I've gathered, there's definitely something going on with him, and it's most definitely weird, but I know I don't have the time to keep up with a criminal AND a criminal organization. I grab the papers I'd printed out and scribbled information all over, and stuff them all into a folder, grabbing a Sharpie marker and writing 'LOUIS' in big lettering across the front. I stuff that into the bottom drawer of my desk, and lock it knowing that if anyone (Niall) found out I was actively keeping up with someone they thought I'd met once, they'd lose their minds. After clearing off the stuff I know I wouldn't need for the next day, I make my way back to my bedroom, to prepare for yet another restless sleep.

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