Chapter 21, As Guilty As The Government

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Hello lovely readers, Saturday update is here!

 Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy!



I watch as Louis peels out of the driveway, stunned for a few seconds before I start moving. I go inside and get a set of keys, pushing past all of the people gathered there, grabbing my gun from the table that I set it on before I came outside. After I've gotten what I needed, I walk back outside and click the button on the car keys, starting it before I even get inside of it. Before I can make it to the car, a hand touches my shoulder, making me glare and turn to look at whoever stopped me. "Slow down, H. We will find him, but we need to be smart about this. We can't just go around chasing after him, that wouldn't help him or us. He's panicking, Harry. You already told him someone was after him, if he's looking over his shoulder for us, he might not focus on the fact that we aren't the enemy." Niall finishes his sentence by squeezing my shoulder, the heavy weight of it bringing me out of the haze I was in. I nod, taking in his words and realizing that he's right. Wait. "Us? I'm doing this alone." Niall immediately shakes his head when I say this, and moves around the car and climbs in, leaving no room for debate. I roll my eyes and climb into the driver seat, and I watch as Niall opens the glove compartment and gets a gun out, along with what looks like an older model cell phone.

Confused, I say "What is that? And why is it in my car?" Niall holds it out to show me, shrugging as he says "Well, the last time I went to Ed's place, he gave me this bad boy. If you take one of these little metal button looking things and slip it somewhere, I can track them, and track the person it's on." As he talks, he digs into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a little silver disc that almost looks like a large button. He holds it out for me to take and I do, holding it in my palm as I look at it. I give it back to him, saying "And you put one of those in Louis' car?" Niall nods, giving me an overly toothy grin as he says "I put four!" I roll my eyes at him again, and ask "Why? Did you know he was gonna leave? Did he tell you something?" I try to sound like I don't care, but the thought of Louis trusting Niall and not me gets under my skin a bit. He laughs though, probably not catching the hint of desperation and jealousy in my voice. "No H, he didn't tell any of us about his plan to leave, but Zayn and Li said that he was in a rush this morning and that he was packing his things before any of us were even awake. I put these things in there weeks ago, though. Guys like him always run." Before I can go over what he just said about Liam and Zayn, I blurt "Guys like him? What does that mean?"

Niall is about to answer me, but a knock on the window sounds before he can. We both look out the window, seeing one of the perimeter guards standing with his face close to the glass. I crack the window, and he says "Can I come with you guys? I want to help." Before I can reject his request, Niall speaks up. "Sure mate, hop in the back. We need to get going though, if you want to catch up with him." I realize he's right, so I don't protest when Paul slides into the seat behind me. Once the door is closed, I put the car into reverse and make my way down the driveway and onto the road.


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