Chapter 72, Save Your Light

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When I pull into the poorly lit parking lot of the gas station, I park in one of the empty spots before I turn to look at the boy next to me and ask, "Name your favorite snack," I pretty much know the answer from seeing the giant bag he used to keep by his bed, but I still ask. He looks out the window and into the store before he says, "Those cookie dough bite things... Can I go in with you?"

 Before I can reply, I can see him shuffling his feet around and I just know that he's trying to put his shoes on. I hide a smile and turn the car off, sticking the keys into my pocket as I get out. Before Louis can get out, I'm quick to get to his side and open his door for him, something that I do when I can. Usually, Louis is so fast that I can't reach him before he gets out, but luckily with his lack of shoes, I manage this time.

When I open the door, the light that's coming from inside the store illuminates him, and I watch him give me a quick smile before he reaches down and messes with his shoe, letting out a frustrated sigh when it won't go on correctly. I smile and help him before he can try again, "Let me help, Dove." Before he can protest, I grab his shoe and loosen the laces enough to allow his foot in again. As I work on that, I back away a bit so that he can turn himself in the seat, and when the shoe is untied, I kneel down and put it on for him.

As I hold his foot up, I brush my thumb across his ankle bone. I will admit that I enjoy the way he lets out a shiver when I do so, and I smirk up at him as I finish tying his shoe with ease. Once I'm done I pat his calf and stand up, automatically holding my hand out for him to take as I go. I really don't know when it became a habit, but I always want to hold his hand. I think that in the beginning it started as a safety thing to keep him safe, but eventually it ended up being a way for me to know that he was still there. 

Essentially, it became more for me and less for him, but I would never tell him that. When he takes my hand, I walk beside him into the bright store, and I only let go of him when he starts to pull on my hand and walk towards the snack section. I look around, but I only see one person other than Louis, and it's an older woman that's working behind the register.

She looks upset, like maybe she's had a bad day or maybe she's tired, but I'm surprised that when I smile at her, her sour face turns into a full on scowl. Although it's weird, I only shake my head and let it go. I walk towards the back wall where I know that the drink coolers are, and I grab myself an energy drink and then I pick out Louis' favorite flavor of Gatorade before I close the glass door. After I decide that I don't need anything else, I walk back towards where I know that Louis will be. I only take about seven steps before I find him, and he's got what looks to be about ten types of snacks in his arms.

When he sees me at the end of the aisle, he smiles at me and says, "Look, they have those weird root-beer barrel things that you like! Did you get what you wanted? I'm ready to-" He stops speaking when a bag of Skittles falls from his grasp, and I pick them up for him and also grab a few other items from him so that he doesn't drop any more before I say, "I'll just share with you since you've already got half of the store in your arms." I kiss the side of his head and look at the entrance when the bells above it rings, and I see a woman come in with what looks to be a sleeping baby in her arms. I also notice the older woman behind the register greet her with a smile, but when he looks back at Louis and I, she makes eye contact with me and gives me a burning glare once more.

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