Chapter 60, Pistol Party, Kill Them All!

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A day late, and unedited, but enjoy! Thank you for the kind words, and being patient! WhoresHalo is back:)



Three days later, Harry is walking out of the C18 mansion, covered in blood and confused. Zayn walks out behind him, wearing a similar expression and a limp. He walks up to where Harry is leaning against his SUV, and stares at his boss as Kai comes and bandages his leg. "So, you saw that, right? Him?" Harry nods, taking his eyes away from Zayn's and focusing on a particular rock on the ground. When Zayn realizes that Harry isn't going to speak, he asks another question. "Why was he here? And how?" Harry shakes his head, and wipes his face when a wet towel is handed to him. After his face is clear of blood and sweat, he speaks up, staring at the sky as he says it. "My guess is that he was here to help? I mean, I did watch him kill six men within a four minute span. As for how? I don't know, one of our men probably let it slip. I tried to go after him but I had to focus, there were four men chasing after him, and I couldn't let them get to him."

Zayn sighs and takes a second before he speaks up again. "Well, he looked okay. At least, physically speaking. Even if he was covered in blood when I saw him running into the woods. Liam is inside getting everyone out, and Niall and Mikey are loading everyone into the vans and taking them to the places that you set up. Everyone else is headed home to wash up and then going 17BLACK to celebrate like you said they could, and the ones who got hurt are going to the warehouse Callum set up." Harry nods, but knows by the tone of his friend's voice that there's something that he hasn't said. Shit. it must be bad.

In his mind, he already knows, so he asks. "Any deaths?" There's dread in his voice, already knowing the answer, but Zayn confirms it with a nod. "Yeah. Two people, CJ and Robyn Nelson." Harry clenches his jaw and looks at his people that are coming out of the mansion, most of them covered in blood or dust. He sighs, and says, "The couple? Fucking hell. Do they have kids?" Zayn shakes his head but says, "They want you to plan the funeral, but I can do it if you need-" Harry cuts him off, "No, I'll take care of it. Can you find out how Louis was here? I'm going home to clean up, and I guess plan a fucking funeral. Fuck." With that, he climbs into the SUV that he was leaning up against, and heads home, trying not to think about the blue eyes that he made contact with minutes before.


I climb through the shattered window, making sure to keep clear of the glass around me. As soon as I'm in, I hear footsteps coming from the hallway. The door is closed, so thankfully I have a good ten seconds to grab the gun from my chest harness before a six foot bald man comes running in. He takes two steps in and closes the door, not yet realizing that he isn't alone in the room. I decide to mess with him, so I quietly slide a knife out of the holster that's strapped around my upper leg. I keep my steps light and avoid most of the glass on the floor as I walk up behind him, only now noticing the blood that's trailing into the room. When I reach the man, who's still watching the door, I ready my knife and tap his shoulder. I enjoy the look on his face when he peeks over his shoulder and realizes that I'm not on his team. Before he can do more, I bring the blade in my hand up to his neck where I know his artery is, taking him by surprise.

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