Chapter 47, The Mark Of The Blade

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This morning has been hectic. After last night, I expected Louis to sleep for a while, given our activities and the whole thing with my Mom, but when I woke up this morning, the first thing I saw was Louis, wide awake and pacing back and forth in my room. Almost fully naked. When he saw that I was awake, he finally stopped trying to burn holes into my carpet, and opted for bothering the shit out of me. I figured Louis would have a hard time with this part, what to do after we caught Damien, but instead he seems... Excited? He automatically started talking to me about the plans for today, what he needed to do and where I needed to be for it. Bossing me around like I was his foot soldier. When he stopped to catch his breath, I took a chance and told him to slow down.

"Louis. You're talking about making Damien eat his teeth, but I cannot focus when you're in that robe, Dove. I'm finding it incredibly hard. Please sit down and catch a breath, you look like you haven't even been up long enough to properly function."

I remember the sheepish look on his face, and the way his eyes flickered down to my morning wood before he smirked and sauntered off into the bathroom. Instead of giving in and chasing after him, I got dressed and waited for him to exit. Finally, he came out of the bathroom, wearing clothes that only god knows where they came from, seemingly ready to enact the plan he had been rambling on about minutes before. I follow behind him, grabbing both of our guns from my table as he heads down the stairs. I sent my mom out this morning, told her I had booked her and Gemma full spa days in Chicago, and that she needed to get there at eight A.M so that she didn't lose her spot. I know she could've called my bluff, but she didn't, instead pulling Gemma out the door before anyone even woke up. I knew that Louis couldn't handle the questions that my dearest sister would've no doubt thrown his way across the breakfast table, and I didn't want to have to beat Niall off of her with a stick when he found out that she was here. His infatuation with her runs deep, and my schedule is too busy to deal with him for at least six hours.

Right now, I'm sitting in the car waiting for Louis to finish whatever he's doing inside. A text from Liam comes through, saying 'Louis is asking Callum for syringes. Callum gave all of his to you, and Louis seems upset that he's out. All good?" I send back a thumbs-up Emoji and move to mine and Louis' bare texting chat, telling him I'm about to leave. It's not the truth, but Louis is wasting his time looking for something that he isn't going to find here. After about another minute, the front door of the house opens and Louis steps out, his outfit is the same as this morning, all black, Cargo pants and a T-shirt that looks like it's three sizes too big for him. I don't know how he always manages to look so good, even in baggy clothes or those god awful tracksuits he wears, my attention is on him. It infuriates me, but he's a distraction I'll learn to work around, because I know the other option is the worst. The thought of him not being around anymore, him on his own and out of my reach? I know I'm possessive but I truly think that not knowing if he's safe or not would drive me crazy. I shake the thoughts from my head when he finally gets into the car, and I avoid eye contact and start the car, knowing that Louis is probably upset about not being able to find needles. Listening to his plans this morning, from his rant, I know that our day was looking similar, both of us planning to spend the day at the warehouse. Mitch is already there, in the White room with Heely, but the space will be cleared of blood and Thomas by the time that Louis and I arrive. I send a short text to Mitchell before I pull out of the driveway.

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