Chapter 46, I Made A Fist, Not A Plan

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Might have a few mistakes, if you spot one just put a star on the paragraph or something!!  Enjoy:)



I lay next to him, opening my eyes when I realize that sleep won't come to me as easily as it did Harry. I watch him sleep, letting my eyes scan his features and drink him in. After he fucked me into the bed, he acted completely casual and led me to his shower and scrubbed me clean before we both got into bed. His shower, his bed. Domestic. The entire ordeal has been like that, domestic. Even the sex didn't feel like it did before, it wasn't 'fucking'. With the eye contact and the praise, plus the position? It felt like the romcom's I binge watch, it felt romantic. So no, it wasn't fucking, but I don't know what to call it. Love making? Was that something lust filled, or was it something built from love? Why are you thinking about love? He doesn't love you, he's made that clear, my mind unhelpfully supplies. It hasn't even been a week since Harry shot down those thoughts, telling me that he didn't want anything more than sex. But I want it. More. I didn't realize how much I had craved that level of intimacy until he told me it wasn't an option, and the thought has been lurking in my mind ever since.

I bring my hand up to his face, moving a piece of his curly hair out of it before I let my finger trace his features. How is he real? Even with his mouth open and the snores he lets out, along with the occasional drip of drool, he looks other worldly. It's infuriating that the same man with a three-in-one body wash in his shower looks like this effortlessly. When my finger bumps his nose- an accident- he twitches and scrunches his nose, something I can't help but find endearing. I decided that since I can't sleep, looking at the clock and seeing that it says 2:10 AM, I should stop being creepy. My throat still hurts from how much noise I must've been making earlier, my moans making it raw and making my voice raspy, so I should get something for it. The thought brings embarrassment and even though no one can see me, I can still feel my face heating up at the fact that someone must've heard us, heard me and whatever the fuck I said. I can't even remember it all, the orgasm melted my brain for at least ten minutes before and afterwards, not that I'm complaining though. I sigh, carefully moving to get up while trying not to wake the man next to me. I grab the shorts from the ground, ones I'd made Harry get me when I got out of the shower.

I pull the silk shorts up my legs, grabbing the sheer robe and putting it on too. Even though it doesn't really cover anything, it at least makes me feel more secure as I open Harry's bedroom door and peek out. When I see that the hallway is clear and quiet, I step out into it, taking one last look at Harry before I shut the door behind myself. I step lightly down the hallway, passing everyone's door until I get to the stairs. It's really quiet, signaling that almost everyone must be asleep or in their rooms, and it's also dark. I limp to the kitchen, starting to feel the burn Harry made earlier from me asking him not to prep me well. I curse myself, huffing "do you still 'like the burn' Louis? You bloody idiot." as I turn the light on and step into the bright area. I grab my mug from where it's stored in the cabinet above the coffee pot, flipping the switch on the kettle as I reach above me to get the box of tea that I know is stored up there. I nearly drop the box when I hear a clattering noise come from somewhere outside, and I hear another noise along with what sounds like whispering come from where I now know is the garage. I look around quickly, trying to decide if it would be better for me to hide or to defend myself, and my mind is made when I see the block of knives sitting alone on the counter. I hurry to it, grabbing one of the bigger ones and stepping in front of the fridge, getting ready to fight if needed. I can feel myself getting more on edge, sitting and waiting for whoever's outside to come in.

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