Chapter 23, Bare My Teeth

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I'm baaaaaack! Saturday update for my lovely readers:)


Harry knocks on Ed's door, Louis standing a few feet behind him with his animals on their leashes. When the door opens, a red haired man pokes his head out and then greets Harry, who doesn't say anything but "Can we put his dog in the backyard?" Louis watches the man roll his eyes, but he nods and opens the door anyhow. Both of them enter, Harry leading Louis to the back door and holding his hand out, gesturing towards the leash in Louis' hand. He takes the hint, and Louis drops the cord into Harry's hand, and watches as Clifford is unhooked and let out the back door. After setting a grumpy Princess on the floor and watching her sniff the other cat that has gathered at their feet, Harry speaks up, introducing them to each other. "Ed, this is Louis. Louis, this is Ed, he's kinda like the tech guy in the gang. He builds the profiles we need and gets us basically any information we need on anyone." Louis nods, giving Ed a wary but polite smile as he follows along with what Harry is saying. Ed says hello to Louis, and then turns to Harry and tugs on his arm, pulling him into a room on the right. With a little resistance, Harry shakes him off but follows him nonetheless. When the door opens, Louis can see that they go into a kitchen, leaving him by himself.

He can hear them whispering, and he strains his ears to catch Ed saying his name, but he can't make out any of the other words being said. He tunes out the whispers, looking around and scoping the place out while he has the chance. After a bit, he realizes that he's probably going to need the journals full of information if Ed is going to help him, so he walks back out of the door and goes to the car. He opens the unlocked passenger door, grabbing the red notebook from where it's laid in the seat, then he presses the unlock button on the door and moves around the car to the drivers side, pulling the lever in the floor board that pops the trunk open. When he sees it opening, he presses the lock button and locks the doors, closing the driver door behind him. He walks around the car and grabs the familiar backpack, shoving the red journal in next to the others before zipping the bag and slinging it over his shoulder, and heading back inside. When his hand touches the door knob, it twists before Louis gets the chance to and the door swings open revealing a panicked Harry. Louis smirks as he hears Harry's sigh, and he says "Miss me?" After receiving an eye roll, Louis steps back into the house and heads back into the living room with Harry and Ed, who seem to be having a conversation with their eyes. He clears his throat, and they both turn to him and look before Ed starts walking down the hallway, Harry in tow right behind him.


I follow behind both men, backpack heavy against my back as I walk down the hall. The red headed man that Harry identified as Ed stops in front of a wooden door, and pulls a set of keys from his pocket and unlocks it. Once the door is open, all three of us step inside and someone switches the light on, revealing a wall of computer screens. I look around and see at least ten monitors plugged in and sitting on a giant desk along the wall. There are four chairs in the room, but only two of them are next to the computer station. Once I pick my jaw up off of the floor, I realize that Ed is talking to Harry. I listen to him explain something about a guy at 17BLACK, and watch as Harry nods along. After their short conversation, Harry must see me looking around at all of the technology, and he speaks up. "Ed is one of the most wanted men in the country, and they've been looking for him for years, but haven't managed to find him yet. Even in plain sight, they haven't spotted this red haired fuck. He used to work for the government but when they tried to kill him, he came to me." He's smiling as he talks, and I watch as Ed rolls his eyes at Harry's words. He continues talking, "He has access to almost every database in the world, and the two he doesn't have, he is working on hacking into. This little ball of fire makes my job so much easier, and trust me, he is paid well for it.'' As Harry finishes his little speech, he grabs a rolling chair from another desk and groups it with the two in front of the computers, sitting in it before grabbing the one next to him and pushing it out for me to take. I thank him, sitting in the chair at the same time Ed grabs his customized one and sits too. He immediately starts typing away at a keyboard, and I watch as all of the screens come to life, all showing a different set up. Some of them are in foreign languages that I don't even recognize, and some of them are in English. Once Ed gets everything set up, he turns to me with an expectant look, and I realize that I'm supposed to be feeding him information, already gathering that Harry brought me here to help me find out what I needed to know. I slip the blue backpack strap off of my shoulder, bringing the entire bag into my lap and unzipping it. I take out the red notebook, along with the green one that I know doesn't have all of the important things, but still has what I know about Damien written inside. Ed leans over towards me to get a better look, and says "Algebra and Biology aren't going to help us find what you're looking for mate."

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