Chapter 51, Snake Oil & Holy Water

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Saturday update, enjoyyy.



I kiss Louis on the forehead as a last minute goodbye, not wanting to wake him up this early. I smile when his face scrunches up and I watch him adjust to the empty space next to him, grabbing one of the pillows and tucking it underneath him. When I know he's fully asleep again I step out of the room, fully dressed in one of my 'work' suits. Zayn must be on a similar track that I am, because he's coming from his room when I step into the hallway. I watch his eyebrows raise at my outfit choice, but I explain it while I'm telling him my plans for today, something I do as a precaution. "I got a call from the head of the construction crew at 17BLACK last night, he said that there was a 'complication' that they had run into while finishing up, and that he needed to see me first thing, so I'm going down there to meet him this morning.

 I had to go there today anyways, so I'll probably spend the day doing paperwork and going through job applications. All good?" I watch the dark haired man rub his eyes and nod, and I smile because I know how hard it is for him to wake up this early. "Yeah, all good here. Mitch and I called a training day since we're about to start planning to raid C18's house. What did Heely call it?" "Kingdom. They call it Kingdom." I supply for him, laughing at the cringe he gives. "Fucking Kingdom. For who? Anyways, you are planning that aren't you?" I nod, not saying anything about it. Truth is, I've already sent someone in, the same guy that was in the first raid is currently at Damien and Thomas' 'kingdom' and is waiting for my signal.

"Yeah, I'm calling another meeting on Monday, but this one's gonna have to be at the warehouse up the road. We're gonna need more people this time, maybe twenty or thirty more. That's one of the things I have planned today." After I confirm with him, he nods and pats my shoulder before going into the bathroom near us. I head down the hallway and then the stairs, getting a cup of coffee from the kitchen and one of the bagels that are set on the counter for energy for the day. Before I leave, I open one of the junk drawers in the kitchen and grab a pen and the small notebook from it, scribbling out a note for Louis before tearing it out and pinning it to the fridge. Once my cup is in the sink and everything is back into its place, I grab my keys off of the island and head out for the day. I check the clock on the dash when I climb into the SUV, seeing that I have about an hour to get to the bar if I want to get there on time. I would have had the option of being early, but peeling myself away from Louis was harder than I thought it would be, and by the time I managed to do it, I had pressed snooze five times and it was already half past seven. I sigh and stretch behind the wheel before turning the car on and heading out.


Harry walks into 17BLACK expecting there to be a fire, or something visibly wrong with the place, but the only thing that looks out of place is the giant plastic sheet covering one of the three bars. Today was supposed to be the last day of renovations, but if something's gone wrong, it might be delayed by a day, which would be bad for business. Can't have the biggest club in Chicago closed on a Friday, can you? The call he had gotten last night was a vague one, the man on the other end of the line only saying that there had been 'complications' and that he should come see for himself. He walks up to the only bartender working, which happens to be a newer hire named Claire, "Have you seen-" She stops him, pointing towards the hallway to his right as she says, "He's in your office, everyone else is on break right now." Harry nods and tries to leave the bar, but she stops him again. "Um- Mitch is here too, in the basement with a few people I think. Jo told me to tell you things like that? Oh!- he also told me to give you this?" She holds out a remote, one Harry recognizes as a panic button. He had them made for the bar, so that if someone was starting something, or if the place was being robbed, all ten of the highest ranking members would be alerted, himself included.

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