Chapter 55, Nobleza en Exilio (Nobility in Exile)

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Louis sits in Oli's car, looking down at his hands and at the gun in the floorboard. Thankfully, Oli doesn't speak, but he has a clue of what happened, judging by the way Louis is shaking and the look in his eyes when he got into the car and told him to drive. When they make it to Cosse house, Louis puts on a brave face to try and convince Oli that he's fine. But inside? Inside Louis is spiraling, and he's spinning fast. When he gets into the house, it's quiet, and it makes it easier to slip into his room without alerting anyone to the major freak out that's about to go down. After Louis changes out of his blood-splattered T-shirt, he decides that now is a good time to research, to try and find out what Harry and Mitch are hiding. He lets Clifford inside and grabs the I pad from his nightstand, ignoring the dread in his stomach as he sits on his bed and opens the security camera app that Zayn showed him.

He doesn't know where to start, but he decides to just focus on what he knows. One, Mitch lied and said that Harry was at a warehouse. But then, Harry cleared it up and said he spent the entire day at 17BLACK, working over one of the C18 members. Two, he knows that Harry asked Mitch to keep something from Louis. He just doesn't know what they're hiding. But, hopefully he's about to find out. He clicks on the 'past footage' tab, and then clicks on the file labeled 'Thursday, 17B', and then he presses play. Sure enough, he watches Harry come into the building, talk to the barkeep, and then head down the hallway. Louis watches as Harry goes into the office, and then about thirty minutes later, a man and his two kids exit. That must be the man who lied to meet him, the one Harry helped, his mind supplies.

 The next part surprises Louis though, and makes his blood go cold. A blonde woman comes into the frame, passing the guards in the hallway and stopping in front of the office door. She checks herself out, pushing her breasts up and then pulling her dress down a bit before she heads inside, not bothering to knock as she goes. Louis skips ahead fifteen minutes, and sees Mitch exit by himself, and Harry sticks his head out into the hallway once before the door closes again. When did Mitch go in? Was he in there the entire time? Why hasn't the blonde woman exited? He doesn't want to believe it, but there's honestly only one thing his mind can think of.


It feels like I'm moving in slow motion as I move, but I throw the Ipad onto the floor and reach under my bed, grabbing the bags that I stuffed underneath the bed frame which feels like ages ago. I lay them out on the bed and open them before walking to the dresser and pulling out as many clothes as I can carry. I get the first three drawers cleared and packed up, and then take the fourth one out of the dresser completely, and bring it to the bed and dump its contents into the last empty bag. After everything is packed, I grab the last of my things from the bathroom and shove them into the bags, not caring about them right now because my mind is filled with nothing but a mix of Harry is cheating and need to get out of here. I grab the most important thing in the room out from under the bed and remember that the yellow notebook with the pictures in it is under my pillow, which makes me pause to grab it. When I look at the cover, I should feel something good. Instead of the usual happiness I get when I stop to look at the newly taped in picture, I feel heavy. Heavy because that picture is only there because of Harry. Harry who kept it safe, Harry who I opened up to about my family, and Harry who cheated not even days after.

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