Chapter 59, Vile Creation, Praiseworthy Destruction

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Late Saturday update, sorry! Hope you enjoy, please gold star any mistakes if you see them!



The walk to the nearest office supply store is a short one, only taking about ten minutes, but after he walks out with three new notebooks, he realizes how close to Ed's he is. As soon as the thought is in his head, he's walking in the opposite direction of Oli's apartment, and within fifteen minutes he's standing in front of the familiar brick house. He's not dumb, so he scopes things out first and makes sure that he can't recognize any of the cars surrounding the house, he even checks a few of the neighbors vehicles. When he feels comfortable enough, he knocks on the door and waits, subconsciously tapping his hand on his leg in anxiousness.


I look at the cameras above my head, knowing that Ed is no doubt watching me. I know I'm right because two seconds after I make eye contact, his voice comes through the speaker on my left. It's a bit static-y, but after a second his voice is clear. "Louis? What're you doing here?" I roll my eyes and huff at his dumb question, "Are you gonna let me in? It's fucking blistering out here." I wipe my forehead for emphasis, the beanie from this morning hanging from my back pocket because it was both creating the sweat and soaking it up, and it felt gross so I tucked it away about two minutes before I got into the store. I sigh when I hear footsteps, and crack a smile when I see a head peek out from behind the door. After he sees that it's me again, he opens the door, and moves back enough for me to enter.

After he closes the door, he unexpectedly pulls me into a crushing hug. I laugh, but it still kind of freaks me out. I shake that feeling off and say, "Hey, hey. What's with the Bro-ment?" The red head laughs, but I can detect the seriousness in his demeanor when he says, "Man, I thought I'd never see you again." I scoff, knowing why he'd think that, and honestly he could've been right, but I still have to stop myself from saying too much. "Please. My problem isn't-" I cut myself off, and change the oncoming subject by asking, "Can I use your computer room? I need to look someone up." I watch him nod, but then he says, "Uhm, I'll look them up. I just changed the layout and everything, so it might be confusing for you." I agree even though I can tell by the way he didn't make eye contact that his reasoning was a lie, but right now getting information is more important than Ed not leaving me alone. Still, I map out my escape route, just in case he decides to try to trap me and call Harry or something. As I do this, we head down the hallway and into the room where he keeps all of his equipment, reminding myself of everything useful I see along the way.


I call Niall again, and curse when it goes to voicemail again. When I hear the beep, I let out a frustrated sigh and say, "Niall, I've called you three times, and I called Ed twice. Where are you? I can't keep everyone waiting, they're getting antsy. I'm going to start without you- and Ed. And Liam, I guess. Whatever, just call me back, Damnit. Get your ass over here." I shove my phone back into my trousers and walk out of the office, seeing everyone below me sitting or standing and talking amongst each other. From here, I can barely see the door, but I'm still able to see Zayn walk through it with Liam following behind, making me sigh in relief. When the men below see me walking down the stairs, I stop at the small landing about ten feet above them, and watch and listen as they quiet down and pack in more, turning towards me fully as a sign of respect and obedience, one of the first things that they're taught when they get jumped into the gang.

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