Chapter 27, Reverse This Curse

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After Harry leaves me alone in the room, I grab all of my knives and my harnesses, bunching them up into a tangled ball as I leave the room. I peek my head out, running to my duffle bag and stuffing them in before one of the housekeepers or god forbid, Connie, sees me. I haul the heavy bag over my shoulder, practically sprinting back to my room to avoid the walk of shame feeling I have. When I'm safely behind the door, I take a deep breath and thank whatever deity that's out there for keeping me from bumping into anyone. Clifford bolts off of the bed, instantly sniffing me to try to sense what I'm feeling. I push him away, feeling slightly guilty that he was stuck up here while I was right downstairs doing the deed. I quickly pull the clothes from my body, releasing the waist harness and throwing it next to the bags on the floor as I bolt into the bathroom. I turn the water on, making sure that it's not too hot, and as I wait I decide to take a look in the mirror to see the damage. I trace the marks on my skin, finger shaped bruises on my waist and a few smaller ones from where the harness dug in. I smile when I look at them, pressing down a bit just to make sure that there's some kind of evidence that the previous hour was real, and when I meet my own eyes in the reflection, I realize that this is the first time in a long time that having a bruise on my body didn't make me want to scrub at my skin until it bled. Something hot and cold flushes through my veins, heating up my cheeks but somehow also making me shiver when I press into the mark on the side of my neck. I take my thumb away from where I traced over the mark a few times, stepping away from the mirror and into the shower to wash away the cum that Harry didn't catch. I take my time, lightly washing over the marks with my loofa, letting my eyes slip shut as I do so. Flashes of Harry paint across my eyelids, and I can practically feel his hands on me again every time the cloth slides across a bruise. I can feel myself fattening up, blood rushing down to my crotch as I try to remember what he said to me.

I grip myself in my hand, tugging at my dick as I imagine him standing behind me. I can practically hear his voice in my ear, calling me baby and spurring me on. It doesn't take long before I let out a guttural moan and release into my hand, fucking into my fist as I finish. When I'm done, I make sure to wash off the wall, clearing the cum that landed there. I blush at my antics, getting embarrassed that I got off so easily just from imagining him. I rinse off, stepping out of the shower and drying myself before wrapping the towel around my waist. I decide to get dressed and head downstairs to find something to do, but at the last second I grab the notebook from my nightstand, deciding that even if I didn't get to go through with my plan today, I would still work towards getting it done before next weekend.


I walk out of the guest room, silently cursing myself for kissing Louis as I head to my room. Did I make him uncomfortable? Is he still mad at me? I lock my bedroom door behind myself. Stripping down and immediately going for the shower, going over everything that just happened. It feels like a dream, but when I close my eyes I can see flashes of Louis. It's like I can still feel him, the memory is so fresh that it feels like it's still happening. I open my eyes and look down, seeing that thinking about it is making me hard again, so I turn the water down to cold and will my erection to go away. After I've washed both mine and Louis' sweat away, I step out of the shower and towel off, grabbing a pair of sweats and a shirt out of the laundry basket at the foot of my bed. How do I act after this? Not knowing how Louis is feeling is driving me mad, but it's not like I can just walk up to him and ask, right? A notification from my phone snaps me out of my thoughts, letting me know that the gate is opening. I make sure that I open the windows and entrances back up, still locked from when I thought Louis was an intruder. I figure it's best if I act normally, so I grab my laptop and walk down to the entertainment room, not seeing Louis anywhere along the way. His door was closed when I walked past it, so I assume that he is hidden away again. I need to find out what he was doing, so I remind myself to ask one of the boys or to get the balls to talk to him again. When I push open the door to the entertainment room, I expect it to be empty but the T.V is on. From this angle, I can't see who's on the couch, but I walk around it and sit down, seeing Louis sitting at the opposite end. I look at the T.V, using my peripheral vision to try to see what he's doing. His knees are to his chest, and he's got his chin resting on one of them while he looks at the T.V. He's wearing a different outfit than before, and his hair is wet so I assume he did the same as I did after we both left the room. His red journal is laying on the cushion next to him, a pen tucked inside of it. He must notice me staring, because he faces away from the screen and looks directly at me, his manicured eyebrow cocked up in question.

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