Chapter 30, Black Tears Don't Hide In Rain

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    Harry heads down the hallway, coming out of his room after changing into more work appropriate attire, in other words, he changed out of his favorite sweats and into a pair of slacks and yet another button up. His outfit is all black, something he didn't really plan but the clothes do match his mood. It's barely ten in the morning and someone's already managed to fuck something up. He would never actually want a normal job, something 9-5, but it's times like this when he curses what he does. At least people with normal jobs get weekends off. But him? He has to deal with some asshole calling him to tell him that an entire storage container of weapons didn't arrive. Usually, he'd just send Micheal to deal with it, but this time it has to be him. He's tired of Nico acting like a snake, so he's going to take care of that today. He makes it downstairs, pouring yet another cup of coffee into his travel mug before shooting a text to the house group chat to tell them that he's going, and that there will be a meeting when he returns. When he gets multiple thumbs-ups in return, he heads towards the door. He looks up the empty staircase in passing, subconsciously looking for the short boy he hasn't caught a glimpse of all morning. When he sees nothing, he grips the handle of his mug tighter and grabs his keys, swinging the front door open. Once he's in his car, he untucks his gun and sets it in the passenger seat, grabbing his silencer kit from the back floor board and setting the plastic case next to his gun, starting his drive to where he knows Nico lives.


    I pull into the crowded parking lot of the shady apartments, seeing how run down the place is as I dodge yet another pothole. I figured a guy who sells millions of dollars in illegal guns would spend his money wisely, but it seems like his gambling addiction is more severe than Ed had let on. I park my car, taking the silencing barrel out of its hard case and attaching it to the barrel of my glock, twisting it into place until it's firm. I check the clip, making sure it's full before I hide it in my pants and step out of the car. I see a kid sitting on the curb in front of the building eying my car, and I look him in the eyes while I press the lock button on the keypad, watching him turn away as it sounds out. I smirk, pulling my wallet out from my pocket as I grab four one-hundred dollar bills. "You look like you can hold your own, make sure that none of these thugs touch that car while I'm inside and I'll give you another six. Got it?" I watch his eyes widen at the money, looking up at my face as he pulls the money from my hands and nods. I walk around him, patting his shoulder as I go, and I head up the steep steps of the apartments, keeping my eyes peeled for the numbers 149 when I reach the top. I know that Nico lives here with two other people, and that the other men are dope addicts that owe money. Who do they owe money to? Me. They are each at least $1,000 in debt to me, so I don't care what happens to them at this point, knowing I'll never see that money. With this in mind, I knock on the door labeled 149B, listening for footsteps as I grab my gun from the back of my pants. I hold it up to the eyehole, looking under the flimsy door for a shadow. When I see the silhouette of two feet, I apply pressure to the trigger, listening to the low whistle of the muffled gun as it fires. Immediately, I hear a crash come from behind the door, and I back up, bringing my foot against the wood next to the door handle, cracking the frame and effectively opening the door.

The slab of wood bangs against the wall, revealing a man sitting at a table with his hands up, staring directly at me with fearful eyes. "Where's Nico?" I watch him point towards a door, assuming it's a bedroom, "Stay." I order him, and he nods immediately, too scared to move. I walk towards the door, pushing it open with one hand before I quickly move out of the way. As soon as I'm out of sight, bullets come flying out of the doorway, landing in the wall across from it. The shots keep coming until I hear the familiar click of an empty clip, and I reveal myself to the shooter. I watch Nico scramble to grab another weapon from the bed, but I aim mine at him before he can try. "Stop moving." He freezes, following my command, and he looks up to see the barrel of my gun. "Twist, I swear I can get your shipment. You've let it slide before, just give me a week or two and I can have them all delivered. I won't even charge the fee!" I roll my eyes at his begging, not bothering to listen to the rest of his pleads. Aiming for his head, I pull the trigger, hearing another whistle and watching his body fall to the ground behind the mattress. I pick up a bag of bullets, flipping it upside down and shaking to get the ammo out before I grab the stacks of cash that are in the open safe by the bed. After I've cleared it all, I walk back out into the living room, seeing the man sitting at the table still in his place. I throw a stack of cash at him, "Good boy. If I hear that you said a peep about this to anyone, I'll find you, got it? Call this number, tell them that you want two pizza's, and give them your address. They'll take care of your friends, and they'll take you to a warehouse. You're gonna sober up and work for me, alright kid? How old are you?" I watch the guy open and close his mouth like a fish out of water before he finally answers. "Seventeen, Sir. Been working under Nico since I was twelve, though." I shake my head, throwing another band at him. "If you don't want somewhere steady, you've got about twenty minutes to pack up and leave. If you want better, though, do as I told you and my men will take care of you." With that, I walk back out of the busted apartment door, toting the bag of money. I slide my gun into it, only stopping when I see the boy from earlier standing by my car door. When he hears footsteps, he swings his whole body around, revealing the busted lip and black eye he's now sporting. I look to my car, seeing that it's still undamaged, and I also see the blood spatter on the concrete next to his feet.

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