Chapter 75, The Same Old Fears, Wish You Were Here

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Hello! Missed you all and writing so very much!



As he stands in the moving elevator, Louis takes a second to think about the last few hours. He looks down at his hand and the larger one that's holding it, and although he knows it's weird, Louis can't help but stare at Harry, even as they exit the tall building and walk to the car. Of course, Harry can feel eyes on him as he walks, but he's in his own world trying to figure out what's going on in his boyfriend's head. He was still talking and acting like his usual self when he came out of Dr. Smith's office, but after seeing Dr. Vera, he was completely silent. From the look on the last therapist's face, Louis didn't say much during their appointment, either.

The only responses that Harry has gotten from the blue-eyed man so far were half shrugs and blank stares, only worrying him further. Both of them know that at some point, someone has to speak, but for the time being the silence is manageable. The quiet fog covers them for the entire ride home, with only the radio keeping it from being overwhelming, but Harry makes sure to keep his hand in Louis' to provide some kind of comforting tether, something to keep the man grounded and aware, knowing how spacey Louis can get when he's stuck in his head like this.

When they get home, Harry turns off the car and looks at Louis, speaking when he sees the conflicted look on his face. "Do... you want to take a nap? I can... make your tea, and we can just have a lay in with Cliffy and Princess... Does that sound okay?" He winces when his voice makes Louis flinch, but the words have the effect that he'd hoped for. Finally Louis nods and seems to take in his surroundings, eyes lighting up a bit when he realizes that they've made it home safely.

When they get inside, Louis automatically heads into the kitchen and to the back door to hopefully find his babies, and thankfully his pets are both where he last saw them. When he notices that Harry followed him, Louis grabs his cat from where she's rubbing against his ankle and passes the feline to Harry. For a second, he forgets about his inner turmoil, but only when he sees the look on his boyfriend's face. "Really Lou?" Harry rolls his eyes when he sees the faint smirk on Louis' face, but either way he's glad that he even got that reaction. He speaks up again, but this time he's calling into the yard to beacon the puppy over.

"Clifford, come." The dog barks when he hears the command, and he darts out from underneath the bench in the far back of the yard and over to the pair quickly. Having what they were seeking, the couple quietly heads upstairs and into the rear bedroom. Louis doesn't waste time climbing into bed, but Harry takes his time, pulling the shoes off of his own feet and then Louis' before he moves to the closet and grabs the boy's most loved pajamas and a pair of fuzzy pink socks before he exits and sets them on the bed. "C'mon Angel, I know those jeans aren't comfortable." The smaller man groans, but complies, and while he changes into a more comfortable option, Harry does too. Louis watches on from the bed as Harry turns on the television that's mounted to the wall ahead of them and... starts to dig under the bed?

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