Chapter 54, Do Now, Remember Later.

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Hello! Wednesday (ish) update, anyone?

TWKnives, brief mention/description of death 

you've been warned! 



Louis spends the next two days at the warehouse, distracting himself mostly by playing mind games with Damien, taunting him or beating him whenever he gets bored, then having Kai come and clean him up enough to start over, only giving him breaks when Louis breaks a sweat. Between his daily activities, he talks to Kai and his sister when they aren't too busy. He finds out that Harry has assigned them to be stationed at the warehouse, which means that they've both been sleeping in the bunk beds that Harry had put into one of the storage rooms. Louis ends up sticking to Kai more because he feels more secure knowing that most of the people around them don't know sign language. Of course, Kai gets confused by Louis' hand motions sometimes, since Louis didn't have anyone to practice with or correct him when he taught himself in Damiens book room all those years ago. Nonetheless, he gets better at the language and is eventually able to fully understand what's being said.

After a rather lengthy conversation between the twins, Louis is called over by one of the escorting guards. "We put him in the white room like you asked, but he put up a fight so we kept the blindfold and gag on him. He's kinda... Well, he likes to talk, huh?" Louis nods and sends the man away, watching him go back to standing against the wall before he turns and signs to Kai, speaking as well as he ends the conversation. He grabs his knife off of the table in front of him and heads towards the other side of the warehouse, stopping to greet the guards before they let him through the door.


I decide to fuck with Damien, who's sitting tied up in the chair in the middle of the room. Usually, I keep him gagged, but I find myself taking both the blindfold and the cloth in his mouth away before I grab a chair from the corner and unfold it, sitting it in front of him before I plop myself down into it. Damien doesn't speak like I'd expected, probably because you hit him in the throat last time, my mind supplies. I decide to speak up after about thirty seconds of awkward eye contact, not liking the way his expression looks a lot like a smug one. "I'm gonna kill you." I say it calmly, because I know it's true, and Damien starts to speak up, but I stop him, cutting him off. "No, you don't speak yet. I'll let you talk in a minute, but right now, it's my turn." I can tell that he only listens because of the knife I take out of my pocket when he tries to interrupt, but I don't care how it makes him feel. "As I was saying, I'm going to kill you. I haven't decided when, or how, but I've honestly got so many ideas on how I want it to go, and now that I'm sure you can't hurt anyone, I'm at peace. Honestly, I might just send someone out here to kill you while I go home and find my Mum."

By the time I get through speaking, I can see that Damien is trying not to show how my words affect him, but I know he's weak. Sure enough, his stoic face breaks and he glares at me, tugging at the ropes keeping him bound. I don't interrupt him when he talks this time, "Do it then. Kill me right now!" My hand twitches, and as much as I'd like to comply, I don't. I know he's saying this for a reason, and I can see right through the tough act he's putting on, I can see the scared look in his eyes. Some sort of twisted amusement slips through my tone as I say, "You... you want me to kill you, don't you?" I lean in and fake surprise as I keep talking. "You want to die Damien? Is that what you want? Are you tired of me already?" When I reveal what he's been trying to hide he slumps down in his chair a bit, and wait... does he? I squint, trying to see if what I see is real. Is he fucking crying?

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