Chapter 50, Cold Sheets

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Hello!!!  Wednesday update :) put a star emoji next to any errors if you find any :))



I wake up and get dressed, rushing through my morning routine but stopping long enough to put some eyeliner on. I planned to head back to the warehouse today or maybe stalk Damien's son a bit, but my plans are stopped short by one thing. Well, two things. The entire house is quiet when I step downstairs, and I poke my head into the kitchen, only to find Harry's mom and sister sitting at the table. My movement doesn't go unnoticed as I had hoped it would, because as soon as Anne see's me, she's greeting me and waving me over, making Gemma do it as well. I fully step into the kitchen, busying myself by grabbing a mug and making tea before I carefully sit myself in the chair next to Harry's sister. "Good morning Louis, sleep well? We didn't get in until late, and everyone was asleep by then." 

I nod at her question, answering as truthfully as I can without saying, 'yes I did sleep well, your son ate my arse and then tucked me in!'. Instead of voicing my thoughts, I say, "Like a baby. And you? Where are you set up now, still in the guest rooms?" I ask the question as Anne takes a sip of her own, leaving Gemma to answer. "No actually, Harry had that place out back remodeled into a mini-house for Mum and I, a few years ago, all the rooms were filled. We used to sleep in Ed's- well, your room, but...well you know. Don't think I'd fancy a sleepover with the guy who's taste in men is my brother." she scrunches her face up like Harry's the grossest thing she's ever thought about, and I can't help the laugh her joke brings out of me, although I don't mention that I wasn't in my bedroom last night.

Anne seems done with whatever was in her mug now, and she asks me, "What are your plans for today? Fancy a little girls day with me and Gems? We can extend the invite if you'd like?" I try to get out of it by saying, "Well I had planned on going to the warehouse today..." But when I realize that there's no way out of this, I change my direction. "...But I guess kicking butt could wait until tomorrow. What does this 'girls day' include? Do I still get to kick something in the bum?" Both women laugh at my poor attempt at a joke, thankfully, and Gemma gives me the details of what they had planned for today. "Girls day usually includes Sheet masks, a lot of junk food, and whatever Rom-Com or Melissa McCarthy movie we can find on the T.V. No ass kicking, unfortunately, but maybe if Harry comes home early we can plan something." I nod along to the plans, and I can't help the way my mood changes at the thought of Harry. He was gone when I had woken up, but I vaguely remember him telling me goodbye before the sun came up. "Where is Harold anyways? And the others? It's too quiet around here." I look out the back door as I speak, trying to see if Zayn or Liam are out there. I see Clifford, laying in his favorite spot underneath the big tree outside, and Princess is stretched out in the sun on the patio, but there's no sign of life other than those two.

"Zayn called a 'training day', I guess for whatever big thing you lot are planning? So most of them are out doing that. As for Harry, he left a note on the fridge saying that he had to go to that little bar he owns and talk to some construction men." Her wording confuses me, until I realize that she's talking about 17BLACK. Her use of the word 'little' makes me wonder if she's ever actually seen the place, because it's huge. I look at the fridge and see that yes, there is indeed a single piece of paper on it, being held up by a weird magnet that I think is shaped like a bullet. Wordlessly, I stand up and take my empty mug to the sink, depositing it before padding over to the refrigerator and getting the note. I look at the messy signature scrawl, the same writing as the cheesy joke Harry had put on top of the Rohypnol needle in the warehouse, and read what Harry had left.

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