Chapter 56, High and Dry

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Wednesday update, star any mistakes if you see them :)



I went to bed at around eleven, so I didn't see Louis come in. I start to wonder where he is as soon as my eyes open, and when there's no trace of him in my bedroom, I decide to go find him. After throwing on a pair of sweats that I know aren't exactly clean, I open my door and walk down the hallway, seeing that it's still dark, meaning that no ones awake. That is why the sight of Louis' empty bedroom is a surprise to me, because I know that he went with the boys, and that they don't usually get in until super late. My mind tells me to panic, but my heartbeat slows back down when I hear clunking from downstairs, meaning that he's probably in the kitchen, making tea for what I already know will be a wicked headache. I close the door behind me and make my way down the stairs, squinting when the harsh light of the kitchen temporarily blinds me.

When my eyes blink into focus and adjust, I see that it's not Louis that's making noise, but my sister. She smiles when she sees me, and says, "Morning Harold, fancy some tea?" I nod distractedly while I look out the back door, only to find that Louis isn't there either. "Hey Gems, have you seen Louis?" I look outside once more to see if Clifford or Princess are in sight, but I don't see either balls of fur, and the fenced in area is eerily empty. I'm still looking for any sign of life when Gemma says, "Not recently, but I saw him early this morning, taking his dog out. What's it's name?" I mutter out a response as I look around outside once more, just to make sure that I'm not blind or crazy, but the yard is still as empty as it was the first time that I checked. I turn to her, ignoring the steaming cup of tea she pushes towards me as I ask, "When was this? What time?" She seems to think about it for a moment before she looks at the watch on her wrist and says, "Uhm, about five this morning I think. I saw him going out the door with the dog and a bag? I think that's what it was, but I'm pretty sure he was just giving it to Jonny outside. Why?"

I push myself off of the counter and walk towards the door, not bothering to answer her. It doesn't add up, Louis never takes Cliff out the front door because he says 'Cliff doesn't like an audience'. He also doesn't know any of the guards well enough to give them something. I swing the door open, trying to seem level-headed as I ask, "Which one of you is Jonny?" The man I'm looking for perks up, immediately answering, "Me, Sir. What can I do for you?" I step outside when I hear footsteps on the stairs, not wanting anyone to hear the freak-out I'm about to have. "Did you see a short man and his dog come out here?" I watch him nod and listen to his explanation of, "Yes Sir, I helped him with his things, his donations, and- oh! He told me to give you this. Something about a grocery list?" He takes a note from his pocket and hands it to me, then excuses himself when someone calls his name from the other side of the house. He disappears, leaving me to read the note in front of Paul, the other guard standing about ten feet from me.

I open the folded paper, and my blood goes cold when I read the words. Written in red ink, are the words, 'Don't try to find me'. I look at the parked cars in the driveway and realize that his is missing, so I look at Paul and say, "Did you see him? Louis?" The guard shakes his head, and says, "No, sorry Boss. I didn't clock in until six thirty." I shove the note into my pocket and make my way back through the door, hauling myself up the stairs and not stopping until I'm in front of Louis' door. I open it again, this time turning on the lights, and the sight makes my stomach drop. His stuff- all of his things are gone. 

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