Chapter 12, You Know I'm Right.

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When I open my eyes, the sun is peeking through the white curtains on my bedroom window. I groan, turning over and grabbing my phone from its place on the nightstand. Looking at the time, I notice it's only ten in the morning. Groaning once more, I roll back over and prepare to sleep a bit longer, until I hear scratching and whining, which I recognize as Clifford somehow sensing I'm awake and wanting out of his room. I huff, getting out of bed and grabbing my phone, this time unplugging it. When I open it, the first thing I'm greeted with is last night's searches. I decide not to clear the tab, just exiting the app before shoving my phone into the pocket of my sleep shorts. I make my way to the bathroom, and after finishing my morning routine, I go take care of Cliff and Princess. As I open the door to the room next to mine, Clifford bolts out of it and immediately goes to paw at the back door. "Good morning to you too, little twat" I mutter as I disable the alarm system and let him out. After pouring food into their designated bowls, I decide to skip a full breakfast and opt for a yogurt and some grapes. After I finish my food, and make sure Clifford and Princess are situated, I get dressed for the day. I pretend I don't know what I have planned for today, but in my head I already have my mind set. I grab a random pair of black skinnies, and a t-shirt with skeleton hands and a rainbow on the front, and move to my underwear and sock drawer. I grab a pair of tight briefs, wanting to wear something more feminine but knowing that it's nearly impossible to keep everything in place with the skin tight jeans.

The sheer fabric of the shirt doesn't allow me to carry my favorite knives, the blades not being short enough to go unnoticed in an outfit like this, so I opt for carrying my taser and a switch blade with a pink handle. After shoving both items into my pocket along with my wallet, I check the time once more seeing that it's half past eleven. I head towards the door, slipping on my beat up Vans, snatching my car keys off of the table as I do so. Once I'm comfortable in my car, and know that neither Princess nor Clifford can see me or judge what I'm about to do, I grab my phone and open the search engine. After typing in 17BLACK and seeing the address, I make my way towards it.


As Louis pulls into an empty parking space, he raises his brows, surprised by how nice the place actually looks. When he'd seen the pictures, he figured the place would have had some wear and tear like every building around here has. But standing tall, is 17BLACK. The entire building is painted back, a stark contrast to the beige or light colored buildings around it. A sign hangs above the entrance, with the name of the establishment on it. Louis takes his time getting out, noticing the short line that's waiting outside of the door. He spots a bouncer, a buff guy that looks to be in his late 30's or early 40's, who is slowly checking the ID of the people lined up. Grabbing his phone and his wallet, he goes to stand at the back of the line. "Who the fuck goes to a bar in the middle of the week?" he mutters to himself, annoyed after standing in line for over ten minutes. Finally, it's his turn. He pulls out the fake ID Oli had gotten him through one of his connections, and hands it to the bouncer. Pete, Louis learns from the tag on the man's shirt, looks down at the ID and back at him, studying him. Louis gives an easy and polite smile, masking the irritation he feels. Pete hands the card back to Louis, and steps over a bit to let Louis know he can enter. When Louis steps inside he's greeted with the smell of lemon. It makes his eyes water a bit, and another memory flashes in his mind. He takes a deep breath and continues to make his way inside. When his eyes adjust to the dim lighting, he sees a packed dance floor, and three separate bar areas. He takes note of the staff he sees, and makes his way to the nearest drink station.

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