Chapter 69, Take Care Of It

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I watch Louis get dressed, and I can't help the fact that I get hard when he has to practically jump into the dark jeans he puts on. I sit up on my bed and try to readjust myself before I grab a pillow and put it over my lap for extra security. Although I always want to do things with Louis, I know that now really isn't the time to be starting something that we don't have the time to finish, literally. After he puts on a weird combination of a matching turtleneck and a hoodie, I watch as he looks over at me and gives me a look that I recognize as him telling me to hurry up. It's the same look that he gives me when he wants me to get into bed, or the shower.

Most of the time when he's waiting on me, it's because I'm too busy staring at him, or wondering how I got so lucky. That's what I am, lucky, to have him so close to me now. I sigh and get up, only putting the pillow down when Louis turns away long enough for me to slip on a pair of black jeans over my boxers. Once I'm fully dressed, I grab my keys from the bedside table and look at Louis, who's now laying on the bed and petting Clifford while he scrolls on his phone. I wrap a hand around his ankle and feel his eyes on me as I speak, "I feel like you're on your phone a lot or someone who doesn't have anything to do on it." I hear him scoff, and I look up in time to see him cock an eyebrow at me as he says, "Do you think that I just scroll through my settings all day or something?" I shrug, and I hear him scoff again and then he surprises me by saying, "I have social media Harry. Jeez."

He has social media? I accidentally voice my thoughts, but I don't bother to keep the shock and confusion from my voice as I say, "You have- really? How? I mean, aren't you worried that your sisters will look you up?" I stand by the edge of the bed as I ask, and I watch as he locks his phone and starts to get up. "It's only instagram really. I have a fake facebook, but I don't use my real name for either, so I'm not scared of that, no. Besides, they think I'm dead, Harry. To them, I have been dead for six years." I don't understand how he says it so casually. When he sees the face that I'm making, he says, "Stop looking at me like that, you Doof."

A startled but amused laugh escapes me as I say, "Doof?" I catch his shrug, and then I welcome him into my arms when he walks around the bed and comes toward me. As he sighs against my chest, I wrap both arms around him and squeeze, making him sigh again. I've noticed that he likes that, me holding him so close, so I keep him there for as long as I can before he begins to wiggle. His words are muffled, but I can understand him as he says, "Okay big guy. We need to go or I'm afraid that I'll lay back down and go back to sleep again." I nod and let him back out of my hold, but before he can completely step away, I cup his face and kiss him twice before I drop my hand. I copy his smile when I see it, and take a step back when he does the same.

I take a quick look at my watch and see that it's almost nine p.m, meaning that everyone's downstairs and probably eating right now. I stretch before I head towards the door, and as I step into the hallway I say, "We've got to tell Zee that we are heading out before we go. Can't have them getting worried." when he holds his hand out for me to take, I grab it, and once again we walk downstairs like that. Once we reach the kitchen, I start to see a few of my men, Luke, Mitch, and Mikey, all gathered around the oven putting food on their plates. I nod my head at them and walk into the dining room to try and look for Zayn. Thankfully, both he and Liam are there, sitting and eating. I speak into the room, still holding Louis' hand as I say, "Hey Z, Lou and I are going to do what I mentioned earlier. If we aren't back by two, you can send your little search team."

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