Chapter 58, Brick After Boring Brick

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hello, hope you enjoy! star any mistakes, pls :)



After yesterday, dealing with Louis' disappearance and going to 17BLACK, it's no surprise that the first thing that I wake up to is a searing headache. I know that I didn't drink, but it still feels like I'm hungover. Or maybe just heartbroken? I get out of bed and push down the thought that just entered my mind, using my phone as a distraction. I realize that usually when I first wake up I only check the time, but now I find myself scrolling through the notifications, actually hoping that something is there. I almost set my phone down, but I see that a text from Ed came through at about 3 this morning, and that it's marked as urgent, so I click on it and read while I go about my day, using the bathroom and getting dressed.

'Oli Wright. 26, Bayer apartments, 2nd floor, 7B. Home & work numbers-' I click on the first number without thinking, and put the phone to my ear as I find a shirt. As I slip the fabric on, a tired voice comes through the speaker. "Hullo?" I sit on the edge of my bed and after a quick breath, I say, "Oli?" When he speaks up, he sounds more alert and awake than before, and I can hear a hint of dread in his voice when he says, "Who is this?" I let out a breath that I wasn't aware of, and respond. "It's Harry." When the line is quiet, I repeat myself, this time adding my last name for more clarification. "Erm- Harry Styles? Or... Twist?" His voice tone changes from dread-filled to rude and flat as he says, "What do you want? And why are you calling me at five in the morning?" I look at my alarm clock and wince when I realize that he's right, but I answer him when I hear a sigh come through the speakers. "Is Louis there? I just- I need to talk to him. Or at least know that he's safe." After a beat of silence, Oli speaks again, his tone reserved. "No. Don't call again."

I try to speak, but all I can hear is a beep, signaling that he's ended the call. Even though he didn't say what I had hoped, his pause and the tone of his voice told me what I needed to know. At least, half of it. If Louis is at Oli's, then hopefully he is safe and not going downhill as much as I had originally thought. With this in mind, I decide to get my day started. I text Ed a quick 'Thanks', and finish getting dressed.


I step into the kitchen, surprised when I see my best friend standing near the coffee maker, looking at his phone. When Zayn hears me, he turns and sets his phone down as he says, "I knew you would try to leave early. Going to find Louis? - Again?" I nod as I move around the island counter, and respond with the truth, knowing that the trust between us was still somewhat fragile after yesterday. "Sheeran sent me Louis' friend's info, and well- I called him. He basically told me that Louis was there." I roll my eyes when I see his face, and I pour my own coffee as I hear him say, "He 'basically told' you? What does that mean? And- your genius plan is to show up at this guy's house and what? Beg him to let you in at six in the morning? You know that's not going to go how you want it to, right?" I sigh, frustrated as I respond to him. "Yeah well, do you have a better idea? I'm open to suggestions." Not really. To my surprise, Zayn actually says something that makes sense.

"I don't, but Liam does. We talked about it last night, and he thinks that it's best to wait it out." When he sees the look on my face, he continues. "I know it sounds bad, but Louis just needs time, and if you push him it'll only make him go further away, especially if you do it so early. The best thing to do right now, is to do nothing. He'll show himself when he's ready." I stare at him, dumbfounded at his speech, and I can't keep the insecurity from my voice as I say, "And if he doesn't? What if he doesn't come back?" My voice cracks in the middle of my sentence, but my question is a valid one. Zayn either pretends that he didn't hear the way my voice wobbles or he didn't catch it, because he laughs and says, "If he doesn't come back, then I'll follow right behind you and encourage your crazy until we bring him home." I take a sip of my drink and sigh, nodding and agreeing to his terms, but I can't help but ask another question. "And in the meantime? What am I supposed to do until then?"

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