Chapter 29, Pretty On The Outside

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Hello, my wonderful readers.  Here's a Saturday update for ya, a little shorter than the last few chapters have been, but I hope you enjoy!


I watch Louis practically sprint from the kitchen, only taking my eyes off of his backside when I hear someone speak up next to me. "So, we got a new cop on the roster today? Do you have him running for you, or is he a smart one? I know you only let the stupid ones do drug runs because they're loyal." I turn and see Micheal standing by the oven, scooping more food onto his plate as he talks. When my mind clears, I try to answer the question, not fully turning around to face him because I know how hard I am right now. I give a quick, "Yeah he's gonna be working something low, although he is smart, I don't trust him yet." With that answer, I take my leave and head to my room. Once I'm behind a locked door, I palm myself through my jeans, trying to relieve some of the pressure. Before I get the chance to go any further, a fist pounds on my door, and Liam's voice rings out. "H, we're all watching a movie or two, Zayn said to get your ass down there or he's going to drag you out. His words, not mine I promise! Oh, and we're starting in five minutes!" I groan, "Alright." When I hear his footsteps, I move to the bed and sit, willing my erection to go away. I know I could probably get off in five minutes, already being sensitive from having to walk up the stairs, but I don't like the idea of showing my face after that. Why did I decide to wear the tightest pants I own, knowing that Louis is a fucking minx? Talking to myself to speed the process along, I say, "Come on, Harry. Think of something bad." As soon as I say the words, a vivid picture of Niall's feet pops into my head, making me shudder and effectively wilting my hard on. For extra measure, I peel the jeans off of my legs and grab a pair of sweats, readjusting my dick to make myself more comfortable. I look at the clock on my bedside table, cursing when I realize that I've got about a minute before Zayn tries to bust my door down, so I grab my phone and start my walk back to the Entertainment room.

I make it downstairs just as Niall is walking into the room with the others, and when I join them, the only seats open are ones next to Zayn and Liam, and one between Niall and Luke. Not wanting to have to deal with what Niall calls a "Ziam makeout session", I plop down on the couch with Louis, Niall, and Luke. Once I'm planted there, Niall looks away from where he seemed to be staring Louis down, and he turns towards me instead. I give him a bored look, and he gives me an over-exaggerated smile as he throws his arm around both mine and Louis' shoulder. From the corner of my eye, I see Louis tense for a second before cuddling into Niall, and I roll my eyes as I slide his arm off of me and distract myself by asking Luke what we are going to watch. After everyone is seated, someone grabs a remote and clicks a movie, and it's not long before the intro to DeadPool starts. I ignore the cuddle session happening to my left, tuning in to the movie and eating popcorn when it's passed to me. After the movie is over, I look up to see that Liam and Zayn have left, as well as Micheal and Callum. I watch Luke get up and grab the remote from where Zayn was sitting, turning it onto another movie before he sits down again, remote still in hand. Not really interested, I decide to look at my phone, and scroll on social media for a bit. When the movie gets significantly louder, I look up only to see that the only people still sitting are Louis and I. I realize he is sleeping, so I grab the remote and turn the T.V off before I start to head towards the door. Halfway there, I hear shuffling, and I look over my shoulder and see that Louis has turned in his sleep, going from laying on the couch fully to partially hanging off of it. The nagging voice in my head tells me that I can't leave him like that, so I sigh and make my way back to the couch, picking up his leg and carefully laying it back on the cushion. It only stays for a second, before it slides back down to where it was. Realizing it probably won't stay if he's laying on his stomach, I put my hand on his ribcage and nudge him over until he's on his back, and then pick his leg up and position it where it won't fall.

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