Chapter 71, Late Nights

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As soon as the bike stops inside of the garage, Louis is off of it and heading inside, wanting to get the blood off of him as soon as possible. Harry follows after him, but he momentarily stops when he sees someone in the kitchen, standing in front of the sink. He realizes that it's Connie and he sighs, knowing that it's after ten and that she definitely should not be here. "Go home Miss Connie." His lip quirks upwards when her automatic voice says, "It's just Connie, Har-"

After a short pause, she speaks up again. "Oh, you actually... Well never mind that. I'm just finishing up these last few pans and then I'll go." Harry sighs again, making the older woman say, "Oh relax. This will take me less than five minutes to finish. Besides, you're acting like my house isn't a two minute walk out of that door." Harry rolls his eyes and watches her gesture towards the glass sliding door, and then she speaks once more. "Go get clean, will ya? You're stinking up my house, Styles!" He scoffs but listens, shaking his head as he says, "o the pans and then get out of here, And take tomorrow off, alright? Go shopping or something. Lou and I will cook breakfast and we'll pick up McDonalds or something for dinner. Pizza, maybe. Goodnight!" As he walks away, Harry hears her copy his last word, and he smiles at her tone.

Harry walks upstairs and into the bedroom with the intention to jump into the shower, but he hears it going already so he decides to use another one since Louis was really messy. With that in mind, he grabs a pair of boxers and a black T-shirt and heads to the other bathroom in the hallway, right outside of his bedroom door. While he does that, Louis is busy scrubbing his skin until it's raw. He curses at himself for getting so messy, but with the soap, scalding water, and using force, it doesn't take long for him to get clean.

He makes sure to rid himself of all of the blood before he steps out onto the shower mat and towel off. He sighs when he realizes that he forgot to grab clothes, but after taking a quick look in the laundry bin he decides to just get in bed naked. When he enters the room, Clifford and Princess are both in the room, meaning that someone knows that we're home. Louis practically jumps into the bed and throws the covers over him when the cold air hits his bare body, and he gets comfortable before he grabs his phone from the bedside table where he set it. There's not much on it, aside from a few notifications from his secret Instagram and a text from Niall saying, 'Found them!'. Louis snorts and keeps scrolling, but he puts his phone down when he hears footsteps outside of the bedroom door.


When Harry walks in, the first thing that he does is look at the bathroom door. I watch as he must realize that there's no one in there because seconds later he scans the room and finds me, spread out under the comforter. I give him a once over, allowing myself to appreciate his body for a few seconds before I make eye contact with him. He smiles, once again reminding me of the constant butterflies that flutter around in my stomach, and I watch him pet Clifford who's laying on the floor next to the door. As he gets closer to the bed he also stops to pet Princess, thoroughly surprising me. I try to think back, and I realize something. When the thought comes to mind, I voice it. "I don't think I've ever seen you pet her, you know?"

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