Chapter 80, White Walls, White Wedding

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Hello beautiful people, sorry that this took so damn long. Life and all that. and army men. (Never ends well lol) anyways, enjoy!!



Killing people is...well, as anyone could imagine, messy. I grumble under my breath as I scrub at my hands with the soap, the smell of iron and Irish Spring hitting my nostrils, only making my annoyance swell. "Stupid fucking blood. Stupid fucking soap. Stupid fucking- What was his name?" I look over to the man on my right, who hurriedly answers, "Vito, Sir." I glare at the mutilated body on the ground, walking over to it and slamming my foot into his chest in anger. "Stupid fucking Vito."

Even the thud of my foot connecting with what's left of his body annoys me, but then, I look at my pant leg, only to see that kicking the stupid fuck made blood splatter up my leg. I groan, knowing that the stain is going to make me later than I already am, and when I look at my watch that's draped over the side of the sink, it only confirms my thoughts. I pick up my cell phone, dialing Louis' number, and when he answers, he cuts me off before I can even speak.

"Let me guess. You got dirt on you and you need to go buy a new suit." I groan into the phone, opening the old wooden door that will take me downstairs, "Hey Angel, I'm sorry. I didn't think-" He cuts me off, laughing, and I can tell that he's not angry. "Did ya think that I wouldn't know that this would happen. Harold? I put your back-up suit in the backseat this morning when Zee told me that you had something to do today. And knowing that, I know you. Meet me in thirty, okay? If you're any later than that, I'm telling them that the whole thing is off."

I snort as I get into the car, opening the back door and seeing the pressed suit laid out across the seat as I smile and reply. "The whole thing Baby? What about after? You said you wanted to try-" He cuts me off once more, "I know what I said, dickwad. But that was before I knew that you were going to be late. I mean Christ, on today of all days-" I cut him off this time, rolling my eyes but still trying to be comforting as I say, "I know Baby. I'll be there soon, okay? I love you."

I hear him sigh into the phone, "I love you too. Twenty-seven minutes and counting, asshole. You better be there." I smile into the phone, climbing into the black car before I respond. "I'll be there in fifteen." I hang up before he can call me an asshole again, smiling as I turn the key in the ignition and pull away from the run down house. Even though I had to pull over and find a place to change, I still manage to make it on time. After all, I was only a few blocks away from Louis, even if he didn't know it.

Ever since he stopped working, I have kept a few things to myself, especially when the 'things' leave me with a freshly cracked rib. He has way bigger things to focus on than the fact that I got caught off guard by a coked out addict who was trying to fight his way out, even if I got hurt. I have learned that telling Louis who hurt me usually ends up with him sneaking away and coming home with blood under his nails or the occasional cut lip. So, with that being said, I am going to wait until after today to tell Louis where I was.

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