Chapter 22, So Unafraid In My Youth

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Harry walks into the parking lot alone, expecting to find Louis alone. He's surprised when he's met with Louis and his friend both being held at gunpoint. The man holding a gun to Louis' friend is talking to Louis, and from his spot Harry can hear the man saying something. "The boss has missed you, boy. I wasn't expecting your friend here, but we'll find a good place for him." As the man talks, he shakes Louis' friend around a bit, and Harry can see the way Louis' panicked face turns dark. Within a second, Louis goes from the victim to the attacker as he spins around in the man's arms. He grabs the knife from the man that was behind him, and slides the blade across his throat before he can defend himself. Harry watches as the man's eyes go wide and he tries to grab his throat and stop the bleeding. When he fails, the man falls to the ground unconscious from blood loss. Louis turns back around, and Harry can see the other man point the gun at Louis, and Harry starts planning his next move.


After I kill the man behind me, I turn to the one standing behind Oli only to find him pointing the gun at me instead of him. I see Oli looking at me as if he was trying to tell me not to try anything, but I don't listen. If I don't get us out of this situation, both of us will be seeing that monster very soon and I will die before I have to live like that again. The knife in my hand feels ten times heavier as I take a step forward, but I know he won't kill me. As soon as I take the step, the man points the gun back to Oli and says "Don't move, you little bitch! I can't kill you but I can kill your little friend!" I can feel my throat tightening up, and I try to focus on my breathing while going over my options. A thought pops into my mind and I smirk at him as I bring the knife in my hand to my own throat. "Damien, sorry Harvey will kill you if I'm dead, and I'll kill myself if you hurt him. Let him go and we will talk." I sarcastically correct myself on the bastard's name to confuse him a bit, but he takes the bait and pushes Oli away from him and points the gun back at me. Having Oli out of the way, I start to walk towards the man but before I can make it, I hear a weird sound and the man in front of me looks pained as he looks at his own chest. The blue material of his shirt starts to turn darker, and he falls to his knees, revealing the person who just shot him. Harry stands about ten feet away from the man, with his arm still extended and a gun in his hand. I watch as he grabs the extended barrel of the gun and twists, taking the silencer off and tucking the gun into his waistband. My first instinct is to make sure Oli is okay, and I look over to him and see him staring at Harry with wide eyes. It confuses me for a second until I realize.

"Oh! Right, Oli, this is Harry Styles, Harry, this is Oli." Oli, who finally looks away from Harry, turns to me and says "I don't know who that is?" We both look back to Harry, who looks bored at this point. He finally speaks up by saying "We don't have time for this, Louis. My REAL name is Harry, but in America, it's Edward. I'm with the Twist Family, Oli. Nice to meet you, though." Confused, I look at Oli and see that he's gone from looking scared to looking to looking completely terrified. I'm about to question this, but I see two people come around the corner of the abandoned building next to the parking lot. Niall and one of the security guards come into view, standing by Harry. I watch them both look to the dead bodies and then to Harry and I, and Niall looks directly at me and says "You got a little somethin' there, mate." he finishes his sentence by pointing at my face, and I automatically bring my hand up and wipe at the spot. When I don't get it the first time, Niall directs me until Harry gets frustrated and steps into my space, wiping the blood of the man off of my jaw and cheek. I know my face reddens a bit, but I know now isn't the time so I ignore it in favor of glaring at him. When he's done wiping at my face, I wait for him to move back to where Niall is standing, but he doesn't. He takes a few steps over and stands to my right, all while keeping eye contact with me. I hear someone clear their throat, and it seems to snap Harry's gaze away from mine, and we both look over to see Niall and the bodyguard staring, Oli doing the same thing from his spot on my left.

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