Chapter 64, Mind the Madness

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                                        S A T U R D A Y    U P D A T E ! ! !

gold star any mistakes pls!



After Harry yells out the last three words, the room goes silent, all except for the big intake of breath that Louis allows himself. Harry is trying to figure out how Louis feels, but it's harder than usual because the younger man's face is blank. They keep eye-contact for a solid minute before Harry gets too antsy and tries to pretend that he didn't just say what he did. "I didn't mean- can we just go home? I'm fucking exhausted, and I need to make sure that Oli's place is clean and that he has a bed to sleep in." He studies Louis for another minute before the shorter of the two finally shows a sign of life. Louis looks around for a second, like he's trying to piece things together or figure something out, and when his eyes find Harry's again, he repeats a lot of what Harry said.

"You didn't... sleep with her? Wait- that was Camille? Like Camel Toe Camille?" Harry can't help but laugh at the fact that he's just confessed his love and Louis is focused on a tramp who means literally nothing to him. When he sees that Louis is sporting yet another sour face, Harry's laugh fades and he brings his hands up and rests them on Louis' cheeks, directing the man's gaze back to him once more. "I'm not trying to make you more upset baby, I just don't know why you'd care about her. Do you want to know what fully happened? Would that ease your mind?" As much as Louis wants to say no, Harry telling him the details would make him feel better, so reluctantly, he nods.

Harry, who already expected this answer, nods along with Louis and bargains, "Okay, so can we talk somewhere else? He's- well he's probably gonna start shitting himself soon to be completely honest, and I don't want to be around for that." Harry watches, and for the first time in weeks, he sees Louis' smile. Not the artificial one he uses with almost everyone else, but the one where his eyes look brighter and the lines near those beautiful blues show. The sight makes a similar expression grace Harry's face, and even more so when Louis agrees. "Yeah, alright. Where are we going? If Oli isn't going to be able to stay home, I need to rent a hotel for a few days. Oh- and it has to be pet friendly."


When I mention finding a place to stay, I realize very quickly that Harry already has a suggestion, if the sigh he lets out says anything. Still, I listen to his offer. "You know, I know a five star hotel that accepts pets. It's even free! And if that doesn't reel you in, I should let you know that there's also a little Irish spitfuck who loves babysitting other people's pets." When I roll my eyes at his faux- enthusiasm, he keeps pitching his sale. "Come on, Oli can stay there too. Gemma and Mum officially checked out of Cosse Inn right before the raid- which we need to talk about too, you sneaky little fuck. Your room is still how you left it, and Zayn would never admit it but he's been missing having someone to smoke with. Come home, Lou." The raw emotion in his voice already has my mind made, but the last three words make my stomach flip in regret. I subconsciously scratch at my mostly-healed stomach wound, and running my finger over the scab is what makes me make my decision.

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