Chapter 5, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

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CONTENT WARNING description of torture, blood, and mentions of knives

Hiii, I've been a bit busy, but here's the update :)



After leaving Ed's, empty handed might I add, I decide to head over to 17BLACK. "Niall, let's go see our boy Vinny, shall we?" I say, looking in the backseat for confirmation from Liam and Zayn. When I look at Niall, I see his eyes light up, and I know it's because I usually do this part on my own. On our way there, I can't help but check my phone once or twice to see if Ed has sent anything over. I know something is strange about Louis, but I don't blame him for not giving me the right address. If anything, I'd go as far as saying he's smart for not giving his address to a group of strangers. Pulling up to the nightclub always gives me a sense of familiarity. When everything feels out of my control, or if I've had a shit day, I know I have a place that is 100 percent me. From the layout of the building, to the color of the walls, I was the one who chose it. Hell, I even picked out the toilets in this place.

 The downside of knowing every detail of this place? I always know when something has changed or been moved around. The upside? Knowing that down the set of stairs in the back of the building, there's a locked door with a soundproof basement. I greet the staff, all outer members of my crew, by saying "We will be down in the basement, I'd like there to be no interruptions, so if you need something, I'll have someone outside of the door who will relay the message to me." Not waiting for a response, I make my way through the back hall and down the steps. As soon as I unlock the door, I can hear a very muffled yell. I turn to face Niall, to gauge his reaction, and he looks far too excited that he's about to inflict pain on someone. "Niall, I'm gonna need you to have a level head with him. You can slap him around a little, maybe get a few punches in, but leave the rest to me. I need you to get him to tell you the easy information, the stuff we already know, just to see if he will lie or play up his words, got it?" Niall grins at me, and responds "Good cop, bad cop, huh H?" I roll my eyes and open the door, Niall follows behind me, closing the door before Vinny can start yelling again.


Harry sits in a chair to the left of the door, as Niall walks around Vinny. With calculated words, Niall says "We know you told the cops about The Boss and what he does with his free time. What we don't know is who you told, and how much you said to them." This was a lie. Harry checks his phone again, growing irritated that he hasn't gotten a response about Louis. He decides to open Candy Crush while waiting for Vinny to take the bait Niall is about to give. "We just want to know, no one has to get hurt, you can walk out of that door with little to no harm done, The Boss can be very forgiving, especially for the people higher up in the food chain" Niall says as he pulls the other chair out from next to harry, sliding it in front of the chair Vinny's strapped into. When Niall mentions Vinny being more than the low ranking scum that he is, Vinny looks up from the ground. "He knows who I am?" He asks, voice scratchy from yelling for hours. "Of course he does, hell i live in the same house as him! I hear him talking about a list of people he wants to move up, and you've always been at the top of it!"

 By now, Harry has gathered that Vinny has never seen his face, because he is completely ignored by Vinny who would've looked to him for some kind of confirmation by now if he recognized him. He also knew that Niall was talking out of his ass, because Harry didn't even know who Vinny was until the Chief of Police came to him with information about a rat. Niall continues to build Vinny up, telling him about how 'the boss' thinks so highly of him. When Niall repeats the question. Vinny is more than willing to talk, but only sings his praises about Harry. This might have helped him if he hadn't already dug himself into such a massive hole. "We know you probably didn't mean to let anything about the boss slip up, but we just need to know everything that happened and what you said so we can fix it and everything can go back to normal." Niall said as if it was the easiest, simplest thing. Finally, Vinny started to talk. He starts by saying that it was an accident the first time, that he'd gotten caught with cocaine in the floorboard of his car.

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