Chapter 61, A Dance With Many Devils

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S A T U R D A Y   U P D A T E, Hope you enjoy!!  



A week. It takes a week for Oli to contact me with something about Louis. Thanks to Ed, I know that Louis has been...busy. But, Ed has also told me that Louis is okay, and not spiraling as much as I had thought. A contradiction to that though, comes in the form of a phone call at 12 A.M, where a frantic Oli answers the question that I fell asleep wondering - What is Louis doing tonight? When my ringtone brought me out of another dreamless sleep, I groggily answered, "What?" I don't expect the voice on the opposite end to be as loud as it is, but my anger is replaced with confusion when I comprehend what's being said. "Harry? Louis is at your club, Seventeen Black? You need to get there, now."

I sit up immediately, already reaching for the trousers next to my bed as I say, "What happened?" I hear shuffling on the other end before the man's voice comes through once again. "Louis is... I don't know, out of his goddamn mind? A few days ago, I came home to find him asleep on the couch with bandages all over him, and when I asked what happened, he just brushed it off. But then this morning, I went to work and he's acting weird... And I got home like twenty minutes ago, and there's a fucking dead guy in his bedroom, and he's just gone. I found his notebook thing and it says that he's going to a place called 17BLACK, so I looked it up, and found you? I wrote your number down a few weeks ago when you called, and I thought you could...I don't know... Help?"

I try to process what he's saying, and then I ask, "Okay... But what's the big deal? He's been killing all week." This must have been news to Oli, by the tone and disbelief in his voice when he says, "He's been what?" I slip a shirt onto my body and button it as I listen to Oli get back on track, after processing my words. "My point is that he's fucking losing it, Harry. He brought a man back to a place that has cameras everywhere, in the dude's car, and killed him. Now, he's driving the dead guy's car to go kill again. He's not seeing things clearly, he's being sloppy and he's going to do something worse or fuck up and get caught. You can stop him, or at least distract him. Please." I grab the glock off of my nightstand and tuck it into the waistband of my trousers as I speak up. "Yeah, alright. I'm going now. I'll send someone out to - clean your place, and find a place for you to stay tonight." With that, I hang up and pry open my bedroom door, knocking on the one across from it.

When a bleary eyed Zayn opens up and sees that I'm dressed, he automatically thinks the worst and goes to get clothes. I stop him with a hand on the shoulder and say, "I just need you to send someone to where Louis is staying to clean up something, you don't have to get dressed to make the call. I'm going to Seventeen Black to deal with Louis, but it's under control." He looks confused, but still nods and closes his door as I head down the hallway.


I walk into the bar and automatically want to walk back out when I smell the cleaning solution that they use in the entrance. I ignore the flashes, the heavy images of Damien's house, the supply closet, and the hallway. I resist the urge though, and make my way into the crowded space. Thankfully, this past week' have acclimated me enough to where I can make it through the crowd without wanting to find a corner and curl up in it. Being around fifty people in a dim bar doesn't even compare to the five-hundred that are packed into 17BLACK, though. I keep an eye out for the face I need to find while also making sure to avoid the cameras as often as I can and watch for Harry and his crew, also. When I don't see the man that I'm looking for, Charles, I settle into one of the booths that he suggested I sit at. Charles, or Chuck, is the last person on my list, the only file from Oli's office that I have left to catch up on.

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