Chapter 31, Learn To Swim.

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After the uneventful ride home, I pull into my driveway and park. I look down, sighing in content when I see that there's no blood on my clothes. I look at the clock on the dash, seeing that it's almost half past one, so I turn the car off and step out and start my way into the house. When I step inside, I'm greeted with still silence, which doesn't surprise me. I go to look for noise, walking into the kitchen and looking outside before turning around and walking down the hallway. Finally, I hear the T.V in the entertainment den going, so I push the door closest to me open, revealing all of the boys, minus Louis. I look at the screen, not recognizing the movie playing, before I look towards the group. Everyone seems comfortable, and it irritates me a bit, knowing that while I was out dealing with something, they got to sit and watch what looks like a romantic comedy. When someone makes eye contact with me, I speak up. "Sorry to interrupt your little Hallmark movie marathon, but I need you all in the conference room in 20." I hear a groan, but I ignore it in favor of walking out of the room. I freeze when I step out into the quiet hallway, seeing Louis standing there with a comically large amount of popcorn bags. My focus isn't on the food, though. My eyes immediately focus in on the boy's outfit, scanning over him. I can already feel myself fattening up, even more so when I see the straps on his thighs. I hear him clear his throat, and my eyes snap back up to his before I try to swallow the lump in my throat. He looks amused as he says "Could ya open that door for me? When you're done jizzing your pants over me, that is." I can see a teasing smile pulling at his lips, and it snaps me out of it. I huff, pulling on the door knob, but not opening it enough for him to pull through. "Louis? I called the others for a meeting in about 20 minutes, we are going to talk about Combat 18. I thought now would be a good time to form a plan. I know you said you didn't want our help, but we are already planning C18's ending. I figured instead of just killing everyone, we could take Damien, and you could do whatever you wanted with him."

When I pitch the idea to Louis, he doesn't reject it, but he doesn't verbally respond. I watch him nod, and I look at his face and see that he looks like he's already planning something in his head. I open the door all the way, stepping back and holding it open for him to enter. Once he does, I head upstairs to grab the things I need for the meeting, and then I head back downstairs with my arms full of stuff, taking it to the conference room and setting it onto the long wooden table in the middle of the room. I spread everything out, taking my time and using the entire fifteen minutes I have to separate and prepare what I'm going to say. I hear footsteps, and looking up I see Niall and Liam walking in, followed shortly by everyone but Louis. It confuses me, but maybe this is him turning my offer down. Sighing, I sit in the chair at the head of the table, watching everyone else pile into their own chairs. Not being sure, I ask Niall to pull out an extra chair for Louis, hoping it will be filled soon. Once everyone is settled in, I start talking.

"I know that all of you know about the gang that's been trying to take us down. Combat 18 is too small, and they are thinking too big, but a threat against me is a threat against us all, and I won't have some shitty white supremacists trying to hurt The Family. So, we are going to take care of them..."


Louis stands outside of the room, listening to Harry's introduction. He makes up his mind, pushing open the heavy door and stepping inside before he can back out or talk himself out of it. Harry stops talking, and they make eye contact for a second before Louis sees him nod, and then Harry continues. Louis walks over to the only empty chair between Niall and Zayn, setting the backpack in his hand down onto the floor next to his feet as he lowers himself into the chair. He tunes back into Harry's speech,

"Only a few of you have crossed paths with these guys, and they are ruthless. I know they run a small prostitution ring, and I know that one of the girls we helped a while back escaped from it. You all saw what they did to her, how they beat her and left her for dead. I have a man on the inside right now, I had two, but I had to kill Nico this morning. I have a loosely thought out plan, and I need all of you to help me complete it. Louis has a past with one of the leaders, Harvey Frederick, so that changes them a little, but it's something we will work around."

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