Chapter 34, (He) Dreams Of A Dead Man

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I wake up when I hear Clifford's whine, but I quickly become aware of the man next to me. I look down at the heavy arm that is draped over my waist, and see the familiar tattoos. What the fuck? Why is he cuddling me? "Harry." When he doesn't respond, I push his arm away and stand up, already in a mood from the dreams last night. God, I cannot wait until Tuesday, I know that Damien will be dead soon, and I know that the nightmares won't go away completely, but I know that knowing he can't hurt me anymore will make it easier to distinguish what is real and what isn't. I stretch before I sit on the edge of the bed, letting my eyes slip shut for a moment so that I can get my shit together. Vivid pictures of Damien flash in my mind, and as much as I try to avoid it, the memory of the dream comes back to me.

I open the door, moving Niall's shoes out of the way as I do so. I look at the person, taking a second to process the scene in front of me. "Hi, Boobear.'' In shock, I don't move, until I snap out of it and throw myself at her. "Mumma!" I pull her inside, seeing the little kids behind her follow as I talk. "Mum, I missed you so much. I have a family here, and Harry is great!" I turn to walk towards the kitchen, following the noise as I tug her behind me. I listen to the little children behind her giggle, and smile at them when I hear my nickname. "Mom, this is..." My words fall short as I see the man leaning against the cabinet, and my throat tightens as I see the faux sweet smile he paints on his face. "Hi, I'm Damien. I'm Louis' husband." I watch in fear and shock as my mom rushes forward, embracing the man as she praises him. "I'm so glad to meet the man who kept my boy safe, thank you so much!" I try to stop her, but something tightens around my throat. "Mom n-" I watch Damien look over my mom's shoulder and give a condescending smile, before he turns and grabs a knife, holding my mother so that she can't see his actions. I claw at my throat, trying to do something, anything, but I feel like I'm stuck on a glue trap, and nothing is coming out of my mouth. I watch in horror as Damien brings the knife down and into my mom, smiling at me as he does so. Blood pools from her wound, and he lets go of her. "Look what you did to me, Boo. Look at what you let him do to us." Us? I turn to try to warn my siblings, but the only thing behind me are pools of blood, two separate puddles to indicate where Lottie and Fizzy had been moments before. Finally, my voice comes back, and I sob. "Mom, please. Please, I'm sorry. Please don't go, Mummy. Please, I need you. Don't leave me here with him, PLEASE!"

I open my eyes, letting the sun coming through the windows bring me back to reality as I try to let the dream fade. This dream is a fairly new one, something I had only started having when I figured out that Damien wasn't dead. I usually distract myself, but I know that today my only options would be something movie or sleep related, seeing how everyone is about to start working on getting their teams together. I wake Harry up, shaking him a bit as I call his name, and watching him finally blink his eyes open. When he sees me, he relaxes a bit, and I don't waste any time in asking him a question. "Why are you in my bed?" I don't bother to keep the irritation out of it, and he seems to notice this as he scoots backwards a bit. "Uh- last night you were screaming, and I helped you?" I roll my eyes, "Obviously I know that. Why are you in MY bed? You have your own." I watch him sit up fully, rubbing his eyes as he answers. "Oh, um, I was asleep in the corner chair until a few hours ago, you started crying in your sleep and thrashing around and when I went to wake you up, you kind of... pulled me down and didn't let me move?" fuck, really? Why did I do that? I can feel my face get hot, so I turn away from him to hide my embarrassment. He's quiet from where he's sat on the bed, but after a minute, he speaks up again. "Are you alright?"

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