Chapter 28, Kill And Die And Learn To Be Alone

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Helloooo, Lovely day for an update isn't it?  


After Harry reminds Louis to help Constance, he leaves him alone again with Niall, who turns the T.V down and turns towards Louis. "So, you and Harry made up? I honestly thought you would've killed one another." Louis laughs, trying to keep the embarrassment from his face as he says the first thing his mind thinks of. "Well, he did try to kill me." His eyes go wide, not meaning to say his thoughts out loud, but thankfully Niall, the cherub, takes it in a completely different manner, "Glad he didn't succeed, mate. I guess him not being able to go through with it means that you can be friends now. Or, at least you can try to tolerate each other. You gonna tell me what happened, or am I gonna have to snoop around?" Louis rolls his eyes, "We sat down and had a heart-to-heart, Niall. Snacks and everything. We even watched the notebook together and cried over a tub of ice cream. Then we-" "Alright! I get it smart ass, although ice cream does sound amazing right now." Niall interrupts Louis, sounding put off that he doesn't actually know what happened, but he lets it go in favor of getting up to get ice cream. Louis follows after, deciding to head to the kitchen to help Connie with dinner. His stomach drops a bit when he remembers what Harry said about Connie possibly telling his mom something, but he ignores it in favor of chatting with Niall as they walk. When he sees him limping, he moves to walk beside Niall, putting his arm around the blonde man's waist to take some of the weight off of his bandaged knee. "What happened to you anyway? And you have to tell me what Harry was talking about earlier. You got all blushy." As soon as it's mentioned, Niall blushes again while pretending to push Louis away. "Yeah, as soon as you tell me what you did while we were out." Now both of them are blushing, laughing as they reach the kitchen.

Connie looks up from where she's bent over the oven, setting down the thermometer in her hand when she closes it and turns toward both men. "What are you two laughing at, huh? Getting into trouble?" Louis sheepishly smiles at her while he shakes his head, moving to the refrigerator as he talks. "No, Niall was just picking on me, nothing new. How's your day going?" he realizes his question wasn't a good one as soon as it comes from his mouth, but she pauses in her stirring and cocks her eyebrow as she says, "Good, had a bit of a scare this morning, but there's nothing a little music can't make better." he hides his expression by looking in the freezer, praying that the cold air coming out of it will cool his face off. He pulls the tub of ice cream out, holding it in the air for Niall to approve, and when he gets a nod in response, he closes the steel door and moves around Connie to grab a spoon, skipping out on the bowl when he sees Niall hold his hands out like a child when he gets closer. After he sets both the ice cream down, he licks the spoon and sticks his tongue out at Niall, laughing at the disgusted face he gets in response. He turns to the older woman, grabbing an apron from the rack near the patio door as he says, "Where am I going? My cooking skills are limited, but I can follow directions and stir a pot pretty well most of the time." Her eyes light up at the joke, but he doesn't hear a laugh. His stomach drops a little bit more, but he stands in front of the stove top when she beacons him over. She drops a wooden spoon in his hand, pointing towards the metal pot on his right as she rattles off instructions. He nods along, making sure to listen to her as he follows and starts stirring slowly, keeping the ingredients from sticking to the bottom of the pot. He listens to her talk about the meat she is preparing, trying to remember the names of the spices she shows before she puts it into the pot he stirs or onto the skin of the chicken that she's seasoning.

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