Chapter 73, Slowing Down, Safe Landing.

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Hi! Feel free to comment if you find a mistake, my wifi is bad today so I might have missed some. C'ya at the end! Vote if you'd like. 



Once we're inside of the shut down club, I instruct Louis to sit by the bar while I get everything ready. I can feel his eyes on me as I move two chairs from the lounge and onto the empty dance floor, and as I go behind the bar to grab the tablet that controls everything. Once I've got what I need, I grab the bags from the convenience store and look at Louis to beacon him over to the chairs when I begin to walk toward them. He does what I ask, and I set the bags down in an empty chair before I step away again. As I head back toward the VIP section to grab a small table, I hear Louis' voice echo behind me.

"Are we just going to..." I give him a pointed stare to silently say, 'wait' as I lift and walk with the small table, and he stops talking and starts smiling? I roll my eyes at his grin, but my lips turn up anyways, and as I set the small table down, I say, "Grab the Ipad from my chair, please Baby?" I see him eye me, but I only smile and start to put all of the bags onto the table. He complies and grabs the device from my seat, and after I'm done I sit down and look at Louis once again.

"Turn it on and click on the controls app." When he does, I say, "Click on the T.V icon. Yeah. Now click that one." I watch as his face changes from confused to amazed when the hidden screen against the back wall starts to come down and hang over the bathroom area and the hallway that leads to my office. After a few seconds of silence, he speaks up, making me jump with the volume of his voice. "A theater?!" I look at him, confused but humored at his outburst, but this time when he speaks, I expect the sound. "So what, a night club or bar wasn't enough? Jesus, I know that you're rich or whatever, but is there anything that you don't have? I mean, the cars, the house, the business? I should've just made you my sugar daddy! Christ."

I cock my brow at his outburst, and when he says the last bit I can't help but crack another smile out of amusement. I shake my head, but I can't deny that his words make me feel a sense of power, even more than usual. He is practically stroking my ego by saying what he is, and I do enjoy it. Knowing that I can provide for him, knowing that he knows it, makes me feel good in a way that I would never admit. Also, that combined with the daddy comment? I distract myself from my thoughts by saying, "What movie do you want to watch, Dove? My phone connects to the projector above us, so we can watch whatever." I point up at the ceiling, where the strobe lights and other electrical stuff is, and I point out the blended black box that I had installed.

I hand him my phone and let him look through all of my streaming apps, and while he does that I decide to tell him why I added the screen. "When my father asked me to move here with Zayn, this place was only supposed to be a cover-up. I'm sure that you've heard about that. Anyways, he gave me a budget, but I also had money saved from having an 'allowance' that I never spent, so I used it to add things. My own personal touch, I guess. And then it started getting popular, and with the crowds came those stupid award things, and yeah. We use the screen when we have themed nights, on Halloween we play scary movies and have costume competitions, and similar things for Christmas. We also have bi-monthly 'company' parties, and every once in a while the space gets rented out. I'm sure that you'll see it happen at least once."

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