Chapter 13, Clouding Up My Mind

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hii, last update for the week:)



I hold my hand out for Louis to take, and when he doesn't, I offer him an explanation. He nods, and reluctantly slips his hand into mine, letting me lead the way. I walk into the room, now almost completely filled with people, all either dancing or making their way to one of the bar stations. I grip Louis' hand tighter, turning to make sure he's okay, and see him nod his head again. With confirmation, I pull him into the crowd. Half way through the sea of people, Louis' hand drops from mine. I turn to see whats wrong, and when I do, I see Louis with a murderous look on his face, directed towards a blonde man to the right of him. The man has a smug look on his face, and judging from how close Louis looks to murdering the guy, I know he's touches something he shouldn't have. Before Louis gets the chance to act on the plan he's probably got going in his head, I grab his hand and pull him closer to me. When he glares up at me, I lean in and whisper "I'll have Mitch talk to him. I can find out who he is, the bartenders scan the ID of everyone who buys alcohol." Louis doesn't look convinced, so I try again. "Look, you can either punch him right now, or you can let Mitch, the guy who's trained in torture and in combat do his thing. Your choice." This must sway Louis, because he squeezes my hand and looks ahead to where the curtain is. I pull his hand until he's in front of me, wanting to make sure that this doesn't happen again. We resume our walk through the crowd, and not even 30 seconds later, the song changes and more people start pushing onto the dance floor, packing even more. Louis, who was an arms length away from me, is now forced against my front, while the crowd gets thicker and thicker. I look up at the neon clock on the wall, and the time tells me that the DJ is starting his "pound town" remix, meaning that for the next fifteen minutes, grinding music is going to play. I look at Louis, trying to signal for him to move, but when I see his face, I understand why he hasn't.

Peeking my head around a bit, his cheeks are pink and he seems flushed. My mind blanks for a second, taking in the way his eyelashes cast a shadow on his cheeks in the dim lighting, until Louis' body shifting in front of me reminds me that we have somewhere to go. I ignore the way I throb in my jeans from Louis being pressed against my front, and reach my arm over his shoulder to try and clear a path, tapping on the shoulders of people blocking our way. Leaning over him like this, does nothing to the growing situation in my pants, having to press myself against his back even more to reach. Finally, people get the message, and start to make room and move out of the way. After about another fifteen feet, we make it to the curtain. The second I sweep the fabric to the side, Louis puts a good amount of space between our bodies. He turns to me, looking more cautious than uncomfortable, and says "well? Where are we going?" I roll my eyes, and respond. "You already know where we're going.'' I step in front of him and grab the set of keys from my pocket, walking to the door labeled 'DO NOT ENTER'. I tap the sign, and turn to Louis, saying "guess you can't read?" he knows i wasn't being serious, and scowls at me in return. I smirk, and put the key into the lock, opening the door. I flick the lightswitch and walk in, letting Louis follow. 

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