Chapter 79, Out Of The Red

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Hello!!! read the note at the bottom pleaseeee!



Louis wakes from a comfortable sleep, but the peace only lasts about a minute before he remembers what his plans for today are. He stares at the ceiling for a while, until he feels Harry shift beside him in the bed, and when Louis feels the movement he forces his eyes away from the fan above them and onto the body next to him. They stare at each other for a few seconds, until Harry pulls him into his hold and kisses him, tender and slow.

The smaller man squirms, making Harry's lips land more on Louis' cheek, but that doesn't stop him from murmuring, "Good morning, Angel." Louis wiggles again, this time trying to get comfortable, and then he offers, "G'morning love," in response. He smiles at Harry, making the older man smile back, and they lay under the warmth of the blankets until Louis notices that the air smells like food. He looks over at the bedside table with the lights on it, the one that can be turned on from the kitchen to signal that there's food ready, and when his brain recognizes that there is a hot breakfast waiting for him downstairs, Louis practically shoots out of bed.

He almost regrets it, when the cold morning air bites at his legs, but once he's up and moving Louis realizes that his bladder is screaming at him so he stretches and makes his way to the bathroom. After peeing, he moves in front of the mirror, deciding to brush his teeth and go through his skincare routine. As he grabs his toothbrush from the holder on the far right side of the double sinks, and as he's putting toothpaste on the brush, Harry walks in and automatically stands in front of the toilet to do his business.

Afterwards, he moves to stand next to Louis, in front of the empty sink to do the same thing that his boyfriend is doing. Harry watches on as Louis begins his skincare routine, and once there's no more toothpaste in his mouth, he points toward the bottle that holds the liquid that Louis is currently rubbing onto his skin with a questioning look on his face. "What's this one?"

The younger man looks down to see what he's asking about, then he answers, "My cleanser? It's kind of like the face wash that you have in the shower. Which is weird and kind of awful, you know." Harry makes a face at his boyfriend's judgment, but instead of defending his own actions, he points at another product and makes eye contact with Louis in the mirror. "That one is sunscreen. And, I'm almost out."

Louis frowns a bit as he notices, but continues speaking when he follows Harry's gaze. "Those little glass ones are serums, the red and clear ones are for my whole face and the milky one is only for around my eyes." Once again, he sees the look on Harry's face, looking confused as he stares down at the little bottles. "Doesn't the red one make your face red?"

Harry watches on as Louis picks up the bottle and twists it open, and then puts some of the liquid on his face. As he rubs it in, the red seems to disappear, shocking the curly haired man. Louis snorts and moves on to his other steps, but he catches Harry looking over to the space that has been deemed 'his side of the cabinets', seeing that it only has an opened tube of toothpaste and his electric razor, and it makes him feel...weird.

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