Chapter 62, Kicking and Screaming

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S A T U R D A Y   U P D A T E ! star any mistakes, and as usual I hope you Enjoy!!



I'm listening to you talk, and I'm realizing that you really are just as shallow as your social media portrays, Charles. I've learned that you prefer to be called Charles rather than Chuck, judging by the way the vein in your neck appeared when I addressed you by the short name. You aren't a 'long walks on the beach' kind of guy, you're more or a 'slip it into their drink when they aren't looking' kind of boy. Yes, I said boy. A man wouldn't drug someone in order to have the upper hand. Unfortunately, you didn't buy the good stuff, so it doesn't affect me other than making me sweaty, and having to deal with the taste of it. Not reacting to the change in my drink is almost as hard as pretending that I'm into you, but you're so cocky and confident that you can't tell that I'm looking forward to killing you. After learning that you like gold and hanging with your 'guys', I already want to take the small gun from my clutch, and shoot you in the dick.

I'm glad that I didn't dress too feminine, because you casually mention 'not being into Fags' like you and your now dead friend didn't kill a gay man less than two months ago, like you aren't here to try and hook up with one now. Part of me wanted to dress like him, to wear a similar outfit that Danny wore, just to torment you. But, I didn't want to spook you too much so I stuck with a plain tee and the tightest jeans I own. After listening to you boast for about thirty minutes, I decide to fully commit to the act and start pretending like the drug is working. When you pick up on this, you ask me if I'd like to dance. Sure, Chuck. I'll let you grope me for a moment, and then I'll use the tiny knife under my belt to cover myself in your blood. Should be a blast! I let you lead me into the crowd, and skillfully keep you from feeling the weapon on me. I kind of just wanted to shoot you, but toying with you seemed easy enough and I can't exactly bring my purse with me to dance, right? I let you put your grubby hands all over me, but I can't help but feel like there are people watching.


Louis looks around, trying to act natural as he does so. He sways with the music and keeps his face lax as he scopes out the bar areas, and the crowd around him. There's one girl he makes eye-contact with, but other than that, everyone's too focused on other things, and not looking at him. Charles turns him around, immediately putting a too-tight grip on Louis' hips, and the devil of a man presses his crotch against Louis' backside and glues himself there, not letting Louis put an inch between them. Louis masks his anger and disgust by closing his eyes and focusing on the music, while also trying to decide how he's going to kill the man behind him. Even when Charles brings a hand up and wraps it around Louis' neck, he doesn't allow himself to react, or show emotion.

When the music gets heavier, the hand around his neck seems to get tighter and heavier, and that pressure is what makes Louis' eyes open. When they adjust, Louis' gaze settles on the dark curtain-like thing hanging on the upper wall in front of him. Why is that there?, he asks himself, and as he's studying the cloth and trying to come up with an answer, Louis sees movement. He focuses on the spot, and thinks that he sees a slight gap in the curtain, but from where he's standing, it's hard to tell. For a split second, the LED lights in the club change direction, and Louis sees it. He sees him. The hand around his neck squeezes a little more, and at the same time, he sees Harry clearly, and his mind starts to scream. Get out! Get out! GET OUT.

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