Chapter 7, It's Justified.

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Not many warnings needed for this chapter, slight homophobia towards the end though. 

All the love :)



I wake up with tears drying on my cheeks, and the word 'no' on my tongue. Fuck I hate those dreams. The nightmares I always get after killing someone are always the worst. Most might think the dreams are filled with the bodies of a lifeless victim, one that had fallen prey to me. But, no. These dreams are filled with passed demons, ones I fought and won. I didn't think that I'd still have to deal with it for this long, but even after being free for years, I still fall asleep with him and wake up with him too. Pulling myself out of the past, I make my way to the bathroom. After doing my business, I step into the shower and turn the knob. I let the cold water hit my chest, barely flinching as it cools my heated skin. Stepping under the sprayer fully, I let the thoughts of my dream, of him, wash down the drain. I decide to skip out on shaving my legs, half of me being too lazy to do so, the other half justifying that by remembering that if I shave today, I'll be prickly tomorrow and the hairs won't be long enough to shave when I go out again. After washing my hair, I step out of my bathroom. Since I know I live alone and my windows always stay closed, I walk past the towel rack, not picking anything up, and make my way to stand in front of the mirror.

Inspecting my body, I find small bruises, ones that will heal and fade before anyone could get the chance to see them. On my left side, there's a bruise with four distinct markings, where the asshole from last night grabbed me too hard. Thinking about it has me filled with anger, for not being able to enjoy seeing him suffer, and also a mix of curiosity and lust for the stranger who gave that scum the easy way out. No one who touches without consent should get the easy way out. Ignoring the dull throb from the bruises, I brush my teeth, and then I pick up the basket that holds my skincare. After layering the serums, and putting lotion all over my body, I step away from the vanity. I walk out of the bathroom, giving my head a slight shake as an attempt to get some of the water out of my hair. Walking into the closet, I grab the closest thing to me, which happens to be a pair of shorts that sit mid thigh. Slipping them on, I also grab a t-shirt, not caring what's on it. No ones gonna see me like this except maybe Clifford and Princess. Cliff wont judge and even though Princess will, she wont voice her opinion.

After dressing, I make my way to the bedroom next to mine, letting Clifford out. Moving to the living room, with Cliff in tow, I spot Princess at the top of her cat tower. Giving her a quick pet, i say "Princess Penelope, you want some food?'' At this mention, she's climbing her way down and onto the floor. With both animals behind me, I make my way into the kitchen. After scooping out each type of food and putting it into designated bowls, I make my way to the fridge, taking out two slices of cheese and the orange juice. Setting them down, I make my way to the dishwasher and grab a metal tray and a cup. Setting both down, I move to the bread box and grab two slices of bread. After assembling the food and setting it on the tray, I place it in the toaster oven and move to pour the juice. Leaning against the counter and watching both animals eat, I wait for the ding. When the oven sounds, Cliff looks up for a second before going back to his food. I open the oven door, and slip a mitt on my hand, lifting the tray out of the oven. Not bothering to get a plate, I wait for the cheese toasties to cool. Once they are cooled enough, I grab a napkin and stack them on top, and head to the living room to sit on the couch.

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