Chapter 15, A Skeleton In The Closet

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SURPRISE!! (except it's not because I can't keep my mouth shut and hinted that I was gonna post multiple times) 


Three days after Louis meets with Harry, he's woken by the sound of glass breaking, followed by the screeching sound of his alarm going off. He jumps up, immediately grabbing the gun from his nightstand, and running into his closet for cover. He slides himself in between the small space between his shoe rack and the back wall of his closet, getting his gun ready to fire. He hears the crack of the door frame, holding up against the pressure, he mentally praises himself for locking his bedroom door the previous night. His vision blurs for a second, and he closes his eyes intending to bring his focus back, but they stay closed. The noise around him mixed with the panic thrumming through his veins throws him into a flashback.

"I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE, LEWIS. COME AND FACE YOUR PUNISHMENT, OR IT GETS WORSE. YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T GET OUT WITHOUT THE CODE." Damiens voice rings into the closet, springing Louis into action, the heavy steel handle of the knife reminding him of its presence as he reveals himself.

When Louis opens his eyes, the light coming through the opening of the door blinds him for a second, until the silhouette of a man comes into view. He doesn't hesitate when he applies pressure to the trigger, firing the gun three times. The man falls, revealing the sight of another, who runs from the entryway of the closet to seek cover from the fire. Louis takes a second, sliding the clip out of the gun to make sure he has enough bullets. Once he's sure of himself, he exits the closet, seeing another attacker run into the kitchen. Before he can fully make it there, Louis shoots the intruder in the leg, making him fall forward onto the tile. He turns over, trying to reach for his gun that fell from his hand, but before he can do so, Louis fires the gun again, hitting the man in his shoulder this time. He pulls the trigger once more, giving the man a third bullet wound, this one in the stomach. The man gasps, and Louis throws himself down onto him, holding the gun to his head. "Who sent you?" he says, tapping the barrel against his head. The man looks scared, but doesn't speak. Louis speaks up again, this time yelling. "I SAID WHO FUCKING SENT YOU?" When he hears no response from the man, he takes the handle of the gun, slamming it against the man's temple. He goes to his room, stepping over the broken wood, and grabs his phone from the bedside table. He scrolls through his contacts, and clicks on the name of the person he needs to talk to. After a few rings, it goes to voicemail. He huffs, and presses call again. This time, it rings twice before the phone clicks and a "Hello?" comes through.


I stand in the parking lot of the abandoned building, watching as a few of my men load things into the trucks. Luke stands next to me, commanding them. He turns to me, saying "Boss, you know you don't need to be here, right? No disrespect, but you've been up my ass the past few days, and you've got better shit to do then watch thirty men move drugs back and forth all day." I scowl at him, even though I know he's right. I've been staying closer to the downtown area, waiting. I turn to tell him to piss off, and as I do so, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I reach down, automatically pressing the power button to silence it. "Piss off. Who do you work for?" As soon as I finish my very rhetorical question, my phone rings again. I huff, taking it out of my pocket to see who it is. When the name flashes across the screen, I walk away from the conversation, and answer. "Hello?" I speak into the phone. After a few seconds of silence, my phone rings in my ear again, making me wince, as a facetime request pops up. I press the green logo, and Louis' face comes into view. Correction, Louis and his chest. His very tanned chest. He speaks up, harsh words cutting through the speaker. "Is he yours?'' I frown, not understanding the question, until a mans face comes into view. Pale gray eyes flash in the camera, and I realize very quickly that I'm staring at a dead man. I say the first thing that comes to mind, which happens to be "What the fuck?" Louis responds, saying "I guess that's a no then?"

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