Chapter 67, No Vacancy.

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Saturday update! Gold star any mistakes and I hope you enjoy!



Being back at Harry's, being home, feels nicer than Louis imagined it would. He and Harry head downstairs together after dressing, and Louis' stomach flutters when Harry grabs his hand as they walk, swinging it as they make their way into the kitchen. Being around 8+ people when you eat will take some time to get used to again, but Louis enjoys it nonetheless. He doesn't particularly enjoy all of the staring, though. Especially when Mitch makes his way into the dining room with a plate of his own, and freezes when he sees the couple sitting at the head of the table. As dramatic as it is, the dining room goes quiet for a second, which is what makes both Harry and Louis look up from the hushed conversation they were having amongst themselves. Harry squeezes Louis' leg in support, and to Mitch's surprise, the shorter man just smiles at him briefly before turning back to finish his conversation with Harry, talking quietly as he does so.

Everyone has their individual reaction to seeing Louis. Callum, Luke, and Mikey try to mask their surprise, Ashton joins them but says, " Oh, hey Tommo." The dining room fills fast, with Zayn and Liam entering with their own plates, and thankfully, Zayn must have filled his spouse in on the addition, because they sit down quietly, and Liam only sends an easy smile Louis' way. Louis flinches when he hears a loud side outside of the door, and he instinctively reaches for the knife next to his plate. He strains his ears to find the footsteps, and it's not hard, because the somethings get louder and louder, and then the dining room door swings open in a wild hair, wide-eyed Niall pops up from behind the wooden panel, Holding a ball of fur tucked between his arms and chest. Louis watches as the now brown haired man scans the room, until his eyes fall onto Louis and Harry.

Louis can't help but smile, he's missed his friends so much, and he sets the knife back down calmly as Niall rushes around to him and says, "You're- you brought Princess Penelope home!" Harry laughs next to him, and Louis lets out a surprised scoff/laugh combination as he lets Niall wrap an armor round him, all while not letting the cat out of his hold. One snail let him go, the Irishman nudges Zayn's leg from where he sat next to Louis, and says, " Scooch. It's my turn to sit there, I missed him more." When Zayn Rolls his eyes, Niall does it again, and says, "Scooch, Scooch!'' Everyone on the row of chairs starts to move one seat over, making Zayn sigh and get up. Once Niall sits down, Harry speaks up and says, "Horan, no animals at the table. Put the cat down please." Louis scratches Princess' Head before Niall begrudgingly lets her down, and then he digs into the massive stack of waffles on his plate.


All throughout breakfast I stay by Harry, and quietly listen to the conversation around me. The way he keeps his hand on my side as we eat feels so domestic, and he even crosses our ankles together. When I give him a questioning look, he gives me a small smile, a personal smile, and I return it willingly. When I look away, my eyes land on Niall, Who waggles his eyebrows, and I know that he's just watched mine and Harry's moment. I feel my cheeks heat up, and I cut my eyes at him, but I know my smile keeps me from looking serious. When I'm done eating, I push my plate back and stare at my lap, and mine and Harry's hands while everyone eats.

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