Chapter 65, Looking Out For You

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Hello! Weekend update! Put a star emoji under any mistakes please, and I hope you enjoy!



The ride to Harry's is a long, quiet, and awkward one. I managed to cram myself into the backseat with both of my pets, a few of my bags, and like half of Oli's apartment. Apparently, everything Oli had collected in his apartment was too important, and I willingly sat in the backseat because my stupidity is what landed us here in the first place. A little after 4 AM Harry pulls into the long driveway and parks as close to the house as he can. Not long after, Zayn does the same, opting to park the large dark van in the garage instead of out in the open.

 Thankfully, the men with Zayn grab a few of Oli's bags, and when I unclip Clifford from the leash attached to the seatbelt, he bolts out of the car and gives me enough room to wiggle and throw my bags over my shoulder. I look for Princess, only to see that Zayn's already carrying her inside through the garage entrance. I didn't bring everything, but the first thing I packed was my backpack, I tucked it into a duffle bag and packed a few days worth of clothes in next to it, and I also grabbed the weapons from under the mattress and put them into a separate bag so that they wouldn't raise suspicion or get stolen.

I make quick work of cleaning and getting my things into the old familiar room, and I sigh when I finally get everything back in place. I look at the bed and see that someone, probably Connie, has put the bedding back on, but I notice that it's mine. As I start to pull my old tattered backpack out, a knock comes to the door, and I call out, "It's open!" I keep looking at the bag, and when I look up, a sheepish Harry is standing in the doorway. "What is it, Styles?" I watch as he shuffles on his feet before he says, "Oli has to sleep in here with you, Zayn didn't tell me that all of his new trainees are bunking here." I sigh, and close my eyes when I hear multiple footsteps in the hallway, meaning that Oli's probably getting his stuff moved in here right now, and that this terrible idea is set in stone.

I watch as Oli and two others set down eight bags, and Oli smiles at me like his existence isn't bothering me and says, "Hey roomie. Just like old times, eh?" I give him a tight smile and set my backpack on the bed as I look to Harry and say, "Hallway?" He furrows his brows, but then seems to understand and backs out of the doorway, letting me meet him out in the hallway. I close my door behind me and stay quiet for a second to try and find out what I need to say. When I see Harry shuffle, I realize that he's expecting me to say something, so I rush out, "Oli saws logs in his sleep. Like, it's so loud, and he sweats, and he's a farter." I pause, and Harry huffs out a laugh, and I know my eyes are wide at what I just said. "Okay, so?"

I groan, and try to mend what I just said by saying, "I did not mean to say all of that. I just... Can I sleep in your room tonight? He can keep my room or whatever. Just until those guys leave." Before I can keep rambling, Harry touches my arm and says, "Of course Lou. No worries." I nod and sigh, and hold my forehead in relief. "Okay, thank you. I'll be there in a few, I need to try to sleep soon." He nods and gives me a worried look before he turns and heads towards his room, leaving me alone in the dim hallway. When I walk into the bedroom, Oli is filling the dresser drawers with his clothes, making me glad that I didn't waste time with it, instead I chose to throw most of my bags into the corner of the room near the dresser.

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