Chapter 45, Get Me Closer To God ⚠

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Helloooo, I'm listing the chapter warnings here so pleasseeee read them!

This is a smut chapter!!! 5.5k words of greatness, (hopefully)

TW: Blood, Knife kink ;) if it's not your thing, read until you see the ⚠  signs, then stop lol

forgive any errors!!



I blink my eyes open, rubbing my palms against them to clear them, quickly realizing that I'm not alone in the room. Harry is sat next to me on the bed that I can see is not my own, meaning we're in his room. I watch him for a few seconds, reading a book that I don't recognize because of the blurry effect sleep still gives, but when they focus, I realize it's one of the books I bought for Connie. I watch him flip to the next page, his eyes darting across the inked paper, with his face filled with what looks like intrigue. He hasn't noticed that I'm awake which tells me that he's deep into the book, which makes my chest flutter a bit at the fact that he likes it. Stephen King is an amazing writer and he was a good escape when I needed it, he always managed to word his books in a way that made the fictional characters 'hell' seem worse than my own, and when I found the entire shelf of his books tucked behind the couch in Damiens library, I know I must've spent at least half a year reading all of them. Any time he felt like being nice, or decided I had been good, I had chosen to spend my reward by asking him to go sit in the library. Of course, the downside to trading in your reality to one in a book is that once the book is over, you're thrown back into your own life until you find another book that's good enough to make you forget again. Thinking about this brings back one of the only negative things that happened because of a Stephen King book, which is the one time I was so entranced by the world the man had built that I didn't hear my name being called.

The door slamming open makes me snap my head up in alarm, stuffing the book underneath me to try to hide that I was still reading. Damien stands in the doorway, face red and breathing heavily, which makes me look to the clock near his shoulder. Shit. 5:15 PM, how did I stay in here for that long? It was just three. I sit still, already expecting the loud stomps that come my way, along with the hand across the cheek. "I told you six hours ago that I wanted food on the table by five! Dammit boy don't you ever listen?" I flinch back into the chair when the hand comes down again, but he still grabs me, pulling me up and revealing what book I was reading. "Oh, so you neglected your work so you could read a stupid book? I knew I should've gotten rid of this fucking trash when I bought this place. It makes you goddamn useless!" I watch as he picks up the book, grabbing the bin on the floor and taking everyone I've picked out on the table with STEPHEN KING written across them and throwing them into the trash can before he wraps a heavy hand around my arm, yanking me along as he leads with the trash can in one hand and me in the other. The throbbing in my arm only gets worse as his grip tightens, swinging open the patio door and forcing me outside. My eyes take a minute to adjust to the sun, not having been outside in almost a year now, so when they focus, I can't help the words that tumble from my mouth, just trying to get him to stop.

"No! Please!" He turns away from where he's throwing the books, aiming a murderous glare at me as he brings his fist up and plants it onto my face, knocking me onto the hard wood. He dumps all of the books into the metal pit, grabbing the one I was reading and tearing the first few pages out of it before throwing the rest in. I watch him grab a lighter from his pocket with tears in my eyes, not defying him again as he sets the torn pages on fire and looks at me right before he drops them onto the others. "Don't look at me, boy. This is your fault, you did this. Now get inside and get to work, if I'm not served by seven, I'm going to lock you in the blue room again."

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