Chapter 40, Not My Blood, Not My Problem.

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Louis walks into the opening of the alleyway, wrinkling his nose at the smell of garbage. Oli is standing there with his hands tucked into his pockets, looking at the man to his left, who's got his gun out and pointed at the ground. Before the man notices him, Louis takes out the gun that's tucked inside the bag of cash, pointing it at the man nearest to the red head, firing it without thought. Before the remaining man can pull out his weapon, Louis puts a bullet into his skull, effectively dropping the guy. He looks at Oli, giving him a quick check before he moves to the two limp bodies. "I'm not getting you into this shit anymore. I know you said you wanted to help but this is the second time within two months that your life has been put at risk because of my stupid shit." He tunes out Oli's reply, already knowing that it would be resistant, and reaches down to dig through the pockets of the first man he shot. When he comes up empty, he moves to the bigger guy, but before he gets the chance to search him, Oli is yelling and then within the next second, he's on the ground with the wind knocked out of him.


I immediately go into defense mode, trying as best as I can to get the heavy weight off of me. I reach for my gun while the man tries to hit me in the face, and when his fist connects with my cheek, my head hits the pavement below me and I black out for a second before coming to again. When I don't feel the gun within distance, I reach as far below me as I can, my vision hazy as I try to reach for the blade strapped to my thigh. I think I can hear Oli yelling, something that vaguely looks like him trying to pull the man off of me, but hands wrap around my neck as I struggle underneath the weight. My head pounds as I struggle, finally wrapping my hand around the knife and sliding it out of its sheath. I don't register the stinging in my hand as I plunge the knife into the man's side, gasping for air when his hands finally retract and let go of my windpipe. When my vision clears, I take the knife out of the body it's wedged in, flipping the man off of me and bringing the knife down into his throat, not caring what part of him gets stabbed. The strong familiar iron smell permeates the air as I gasp, looking around with wide eyes to see if there's any danger. When I hear fast footsteps, I stagger to my feet, holding the knife in a defensive position, ready to take on the next person. I sigh when a puppy-like man runs into the open alley, wiping my knife against my jeans before putting it back into its place. "What the fuck? Louis, what the fuck?" I look up, seeing Liam staring back and forth between the bodies, Oli, and myself, trying to piece something, anything together. My mind isn't on the blood or the bodies or either men who seem to be in shock, as I move to the original person I was going to search. After digging in the brown coat on the man's body, my hands wrap around two tiny bottles, making me smile in victory. "Gotcha." I pull out the glass vials, holding them up in victory.

I look over and smile, showing Liam and Oli my prize, but I wince when the pain in my hand makes itself known. I frown, setting the vials in the bag that fell next to me during the struggle before inspecting my hand, seeing the long laceration along my palm. "Damn." I stand up, pressing my hand into my T-shirt to get the blood off of it before realizing that the material is already blood soaked. "Well, I got what I needed, you don't suppose Calum is home do ya? Might need a few stitches, I think I got caught on my own blade." I hold my hand out to show my battle wound, watching Oli's face screw up in discomfort, seeing Liams make a similar expression, but he nods at my question. "Alright then, I'm ready when you are. Do you think we can stop and get food?" I elbow Liam as I walk past him, only stopping when I don't hear footsteps behind me. I turn, "What?" I see Liam wave a hand at me, gesturing towards my blood soaked outfit, which answers my question and makes me laugh a bit. "Oh yeah, I guess that's a no then. Would you mind getting the car? I'll walk to the end of the alley, just wait there for me. Thanks Leeyum." I pat him on the back as I turn to Oli, who's just been watching this encounter, used to my antics. Hearing retreating footsteps, I ask the man next to me, "Do you wanna come meet the lads? Other than Harry and Niall, and now Liam. There's like seven more at home who're wayyyy cooler than those geeks." I give him a cheeky smile as he rolls his eyes, but to my disappointment, he shakes his head. I understand why, him having a government job and never getting into real crime stuff before he met me, I know he's still wary about it.

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