Chapter 35, A Rock In The Sand

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When we pull into the parking lot, I step out of the car, silently giving Louis the choice to stay or to follow. When I hear his door slam behind me, I continue walking towards the brightly colored storefront. I hold the door open for him, following behind him as we walk into the building filled with toys. "Edward! So nice to see you, how have you been? Is it that time of year already?" I look up from where my gaze had fallen onto the shorter man in front of me, lighting up when I see Pat. I accept the hug he's stretched his arms out for, moving closer to him so that he doesn't have to walk any further, knowing he would need his cane for that much distance. "Hey Pat, still kickin'?" I tease him, something I do every time I come in, but the joke falls short when I see the look on his face. "Yes, I suppose I am. Not well though, but it's nothing I can't hammer out." I plaster on a smile, knowing that this probably means business isn't well for him. He doesn't let me offer what I usually do, probably seeing the look on my face, he speaks up again. "And who is this? I've only met one of your friends, that young fella. What was his name again?" I smile at him, happy that his memory wasn't something he lacked from age, "Niall. And this is Louis."

"Ah yes! Niall! good kid, that one." I see Louis' unimpressed face, probably thinking of the Niall he is used to seeing around. The Niall we know is a menace. But the Niall Pat knows? Golden boy who's good at helping the elderly. "Well, I moved the trains to the back, I know that's what you're here for. Holler if you need me, I'm gonna go sit back down. The weather has my knees aching again." With that, he makes his way away from Louis and I, setting himself on top of the wooden stool behind the register. I turn to check on Louis, only to find him already walking down a row of toys, so I head towards the section that holds what I need. After looking at my phone and confirming the model, I pick up the heavy box with the right train model on it, grabbing another set of tracks for it too, knowing that Luca will need it. After setting everything on the counter for Pat to wrap, I head down the long aisle where Louis was, only to find him on a different one, holding a doll. "See anything you want?" My voice snaps him out of whatever trance he was in, and he shakes his head as he sets the doll back down. "My little sister had a doll just like that I swear, I helped my mom pick it out for her birthday." I notice he's got a dim look on his face, but he brings a sleeve covered hand up and wipes his face, giving me a brighter look this time. I know it's not fully real, but I won't call him out on it, knowing he probably got stuck in the past. Pat's voice breaks us out of the staring contest we seemed to be having, "Edward, your gift is wrapped and ready!" I turn, listening for footsteps behind me as I walk to the counter, pulling my card out and sticking it into the machine. When the 'tip' option comes up, I quickly punch in yes and then $500, pressing the confirmation button before it can show up on the screen. Louis grabs the polka-dotted wrapped present, leaving me to grab the bag with the train model itself inside.

"Could I get two empty gift bags? I paid for them in the tip, don't worry." I request, seeing Pat nod and grab two decorative bags from under the counter. "Tell Eli and Luca that I said hello, and Happy birthday to the big boy. Drive safe, you two." With that, I take my leave, ignoring the confused face Louis is wearing until we get to the car. Before I'm fully into the passenger seat, Louis is asking his questions. "Who's birthday is it? and Who are Luca and Eli?" I take my time, putting the gifts in the safety of the backseat and buckling myself in before answering, "They're kind of like my Nephews, I guess. And Today is Luca's birthday. That's where we are going." I look over at him to gauge his reaction, and I see him roll his eyes as he huffs at me. "You're taking me to a child's birthday party?" He starts the car, though, telling me that he doesn't really mind our plans for the day. "You'll have fun. Plus, you're a child at heart, so you'll fit in well there. Now, we have to stop by the grocery store and then one more place before we can head there. Is that fine, your majesty?" I lace the last part with heavy sarcasm, secretly enjoying the expected eye roll I get in response, along with the middle finger he sticks out while he reverses from the parking spot. While he's distracted again, I take a chance and look at him. 

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