Chapter 70, Blood Thirst, Break first.

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Hello! It's been a long , busy two weeks, but I am (even if only momentarily) back and better than ever. 



Once we are close enough to the house, I start to look for a way inside. I hear Harry following behind me as I check the entrances, and I notice that there's high end motion sensors or alarms on all of the windows and doors. Each window or door that I see or pass has something, and I hate that I know exactly what they were made for. I recognize them instantly, and my stomach churns when my brain connects to the fact that Damien had this same exact system. This is the same kind of system that kept me in for years. One good thing about this is that I spent hours studying this equipment out of fear that Damien would find me somehow, and take me back to that hell-hole, but the bad thing about this is that it's almost just as hard to get into as it is to get out. Lucky for me though, there's one window that doesn't seem to have any wires around it, meaning that it's probably not secured.

Next to the side entrance to the garage, there's a small window near the ground that looks to be about a foot tall and twice as wide. I nudge Harry with my foot making him look up from where he's looking, and when he leans in, I copy him and gesture towards the window that I found. "I can fit through that. Once I'm in, I'll disable the garage alarms and let you in through the side door." After I see him nod, I sigh and stretch, knowing that I'm going to have to crawl and squeeze. Although I don't want to, I drop onto my knees and try to ignore the sopping wet grass underneath me, cringing as I do so. I curse, but try to ignore the feeling and focus on the task ahead of me.

Shuffling through the small window turns out to be easier than I thought, and within thirty seconds I'm standing in the garage, covered in dust. There was nothing hiding the window except a few boxes and a yard sign, so pushing it out of the way didn't take long either. I grab the small flashlight from my pocket and use it to scope out the garage, and once I'm sure that it's clear of any danger, I head over to the side door. "Fuck." I let out a frustrated groan when I see that the door is literally bolted shut, meaning that the only way to get Harry in without tripping the alarms is by opening the slide up door. This is risky, really really risky, but it's not like I can just leave him outside, and both of us know that Harry can't fit through the window that I came through. So, with that in mind, I go back to the open window and crouch down enough to hold it open and stick my head through it, and then I whisper to the man outside.

When he appears, I say, "I have to open the big door, the side door is bolted for some fucking reason." I mutter the last part, but I hear a chuckle from outside, meaning that Harry heard me. I roll my eyes, but still warn, "There's a device on it, so don't just walk in, okay? Wait for my instruction." When I hear him say 'okay,' I move away from the window and towards the large door. I shine my light around it to try and see what I have to deal with, but to my surprise, the only thing on the door is a cheap motion sensor about calf-high. I hold my breath and grab the handle on the bottom of the door, and when I go to lift it up I realize that it's heavy. Too heavy.

A familiar weighted feeling sits in my gut when I look up and realize why it has extra weight. I huff and haul up the metal door anyways, seeing Harry appear on the other side as it goes. "Step over the motion sensor on your right. I have to hold this thing up, so hurry please." He follows what I say, stepping over the motion sensors with ease. Once he's in, he helps me with the door and I see the moment that he understands why I have to hold up the door. Once it's closed again, he quietly says, "Why the fuck was that so heavy?"

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