Chapter 78, Training Wheels

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As soon as we get to 17Black, I make my way through the back entrance, immediately walk to the bar and order three shots. I look behind me, seeing Harry, who's already talking to the businessmen in the VIP section. He's dressed to fit in, his black suit matching the others around him, but his energy screams 'I have more money than you' as he speaks to a dark haired man, which I know he is. I make eye contact with him for a few seconds and even though it's not long, he still gives me a private smile.

I offer one back, and then I watch him get pulled into the conversation again, so I decide to pull out my phone and text both Niall and Oli. I know that Niall will drag the others in the house out, and since it's already past 5 PM, almost all of them will be home and excited to go out. When I text Oli, I send an address along with the words, getting drunk tnite, U in? It only takes him about a minute to respond, and I smile when I see what it says. Down 4 it, b there soon!

I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder, and it makes me glare and slide my hand down to where I know my knife is until I recognize the cross tattoo on the appendage that's still on my shoulder. I sigh, but Harry speaks up, making me take a breath in when warm air hits my ear. "Gonna cut me Baby? You know that I like it."

I try to laugh off his suggestive tone, but I can't hide the way his words make me shiver. I grab one of the shot glasses in front of me and toss it back, ignoring the sting that the alcohol gives. I grab both of the remaining ones and turn to Harry, who's moved from behind me to the space next to me, and I hold the small glass up for him to take. "What are those, Vodka?" I nod, and he makes a sour face. Nonetheless, he accepts it, and I shoot mine immediately while he waits, and after, I watch his adam's apple bob as he swallows the alcohol.

I get another shot and order a mixed drink before I let Harry drag me towards the VIP section. I sit on one of the more seats, and I notice that while we're technically sitting with the men that I saw Harry speaking to earlier, we're still far enough away from them to make me feel like I don't need to keep my hand near a weapon or take my knife out and tuck it between the cushions. It's scary, knowing what people like that could be hiding.

Harry sits next to me, making me glad that I chose the bigger couch. I smile at him and lay my head on his shoulder, and I sip on my drink and people watch until I feel my phone vibrate in my jeans. I fish it out and my eyes light up when I see that Oli texted me, here. Wya? I show Harry, and whisper, "Gonna go find him, be right back." He nods, and I lean down and kiss him before I scurry off to find my friend.

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