Chapter 4, Lost and... Not Found?

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Filler chapter xx




When I climb into the car, I'm greeted with Niall staring at me like he knows something I don't. "What, Niall?" I ask. "Nothing Bossman, just took you an awfully long time to escort him." "Niall, can you just drive? I'm tired and I'd like to get at least four hours of sleep before I have to deal with Grimshaw."  "I wasn't saying anything boss, just making an observation"  "Shut up and drive, Irish." I let myself relax into the seat as we make our way home, and as we pull into the long driveway, I turn to wake the lovebirds up, but they're already moving around. As the car comes to a stop, I wait for Niall to take the keys out of the ignition before stepping out of the car and slamming the door behind me. "Ease up, H, what did the poor door ever do to you?" Zayn says, making his way into the house with Liam by his side. "S' my door, Zee, I can do whatever the fuck I want with it, I bought it." I bite out. It's Niall who speaks up next. "Watch out Zayn, he hasn't gotten laid in months, he's snappy." I roll my eyes at his words, "More like years" I mutter, ignoring the looks on the others' faces as I step inside the house. 

I make my way up the stairs, saying goodnight to the others I pass, and hearing a trail of "goodnight boss" in response. I'm too tired for a shower, so I strip down to my boxers, plug my phone in, and climb into bed. If I wasn't so exhausted from today's events, id probably spend an extra hour in my office or in bed on my computer trying to organize tomorrows chaos, but I couldn't give two fucks about what happens in... less than five hours from now. Fuck tomorrow is pissing me off and I haven't even made it there yet.

Time Skip (next day)

Waking up in a house full of people you pay to be there, is about as fun as it sounds. After taking a long, much needed shower, I make myself presentable by putting on slacks and a button up. As I step into the hallway, I'm greeted with Niall, who's making his way towards the bathroom, and a few of the more trustworthy men in my crew. I don't let everyone who works for me live in the house, given that the house has only eight small bedrooms and two larger ones and there's over a hundred people who I pay to fall in line. but the ones who do live here, are the ones who protect, and the ones who serve. On the grounds, all personnel such as the cook and the cleaners live in two bedroom condos. I make my way downstairs and to the kitchen and see five or six people shuffling around the table, piling food onto their plates. Zayn and Liam are sitting towards the end, both looking at something on Liam's phone.

 I grab a plate and scoop scrambled eggs, a few pieces of bacon, and two slices of toast onto the dish. I make my way to the coffee maker, pull out the biggest mug from the cabinet above, and pour some into the cup. After leaning against the cabinet while eating, I make my way to my office and take a minute to gather myself. I look at my notes, to remind myself of what I have to deal with today, and switch on my computer. After answering Emails for a little under two hours, and checking in on my investments and stocks, I message Niall and tell him to be ready in 15. While I'm waiting, because I know Niall won't be ready for at least 30 minutes, I message Ed and ask him to get me a list of tenants for 3Eleven apartments. After receiving yet another "okay boss" , I make my way back to the kitchen. After refilling my coffee cup once again, I hear Niall start to make his way down the stairs, laughing about something while doing so. " ready to roll, H?" "Yeah, go grab Li and Zee, will you?" "Sure boss, see ya in the car." I head to the car, with the keys that I picked up from the hook behind the front door in hand, I unlock the doors and climb inside.

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