Chapter 68, Can't Have It All

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As I drive, I notice that Louis is more alert, but by the way that his left leg is shaking, I can tell that he's also nervous. I put my hand on his thigh to try and settle him, and although it seems to help, he only switches which legs and his face doesn't change, so I decide to speak up.

"What's on your mind, Dove?"

When I talk, he looks at me for a second before he sighs and says, "I'm not... I feel sad? I guess... Not about..." I take my eyes off of the road for a split second, just long enough to see the conflicted look on his face. He grabs my hand and picks at my fingers, something that he does to soothe himself, and he speaks again. "My house is my comfort place, I guess. It's never felt like... 'home', but I made it how I needed it to be in order to feel as safe as I possibly could. I don't really have that at home, at your house. If I don't have places, my hidden spots, I'm always a little on edge. It's stupid, I know, but my house has places to hide and I've always known every way out and where my weapons are. It's fine though, I swear."

I understand what he's saying, but I'm still confused, so I voice it as I keep my eyes forward. "So you're sad because you don't have a hiding spot, and because you don't have your knives hidden around the house?" When I see him nod from my peripheral vision, I try to ease his mind by giving him an option. "Well, you can always start over? I mean, we already have hidden weapons, but you can add yours and maybe we can find a place for you to decompress? If that's really the only things that are bothering you, then we can just re-make that, just at Cosse. Is that okay?" I keep my eyes on the road, but I look away from traffic when I hear him sniffle. When I look to my right, I catch him wiping at his eyes with the back of his hands.

I make sure that the road is clear before I quickly pull the car over, putting it into park before I look at him again. When he notices, he shakily says, "You didn't need to pull over, Harold. I'm just emotional, 's all. Thank you though, that does help. A Lot, actually." I scoff at his sarcasm, but I bring his hand up to my lips and kiss the back of it before I say, "I'm glad, Baby." I can't help but hiss his hand again, and I repeat the thing he did with me this morning. I flip his hand over, and trace 'I L Y' onto his palm before I watch a watery smile come onto his face. God, he's so fucking beautiful, I can't help but think. After a minute, Louis seems better, so I decide to get back on the road. I notice that we only have a few miles until we reach our destination, so I put my hand back on Louis' thigh and steer through the steady moving traffic.


When the car pulls into the familiar driveway, Louis doesn't waste time in getting out. Since his short talk with Harry, Louis feels less sad and more eager. Although this house is the closest thing he had to 'home', he knows that he's never really felt comfortable here, and knowing that he'll have both comfortability and safety at Harry's makes the whole 'moving back in' process a lot easier emotionally. With that being said, that doesn't mean that it makes things physically easier. It takes about three hours to get everything packed into Harry's SUV, and Harry is beyond surprised at the amount of weapons that ended up in the back of his vehicle. He's also surprised that Louis' old house actually has six different places to hide, and not just the one that Louis preferred. It takes a lot of effort, but soon enough, they are both back on the road and on route to Ed's.

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