Chapter 8, Don't Play Savior

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After opening Ed's email, I'd expected to find out that Louis was just some random person, with a 9-5 job and a few court appearances for small stuff. What I wasn't expecting was to be even more confused than before. Did his parents secretly have him moved to America? Was he really a missing child? Was he kidnapped? How did a 15 year old kid board a plane, and then manage to live in America without any money or without being seen? Trying to ignore the questions swimming through my head, I decide to sleep and come back to it in the morning.

When I wake up, I get dressed and eat breakfast. While I'm thinking about the situation with Louis, I'm brought out of my thoughts by a heavy hand on my shoulder. Turning, Niall is grinning at me, and says "watcha doing, H? Trying to kill the coffee pot with your eyes?" he jokes. I realize that yes, I was staring at the coffee pot. Sensing that Niall was making his way to it, i move, letting him fill his cup. Before he can ask, I respond, "No, I like the coffee pot, I'm just thinking about what I have to do today." With that, I make my way to the kitchen table where everyone is seated. With eight sets of eyes on me, I say "I've got my own things to do today, so don't call unless it's important. Michael, I know I said I'd ride with you to the new warehouse today, but I'm gonna have Mitch go with you because somethings come up and I need to look in on it. Don't worry, it's nothing major, I'll be back tonight and if I'm not, I'll be home in the morning.". Hearing Niall hoot from behind me, I smirk, ignoring the others' questioning gazes, and make my way to the equipment room to grab everything I might need. After I've checked myself over, making sure I have binoculars and my gun, I grab a set of car keys, and head outside. Since I don't plan on moving any bodies today, i take a smaller car that I know will blend in anywhere. I don't remember the address of Louis' house, so when I'm seated in the driver's seat, I take my phone out to search for the information. After finding it, I type 5918 S Indiana Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 into the navigation system, and start driving.

As I pull into an empty spot next to the curb, I look at the house, which is quite nice, and immediately start questioning this entire situation again. How does a 20 year old man with no job afford a $500,000 house? As I look at the Zillow listing I've pulled up on my phone, another thought pops into my head. Why does he need five bedrooms? Ed didn't mention anything about Louis having a boyfriend. Before I can dig deeper into this, I see the front door open. I watch Louis talk animatedly to someone inside, and then close the door, locking it behind him. As he gets into his car, I start mine. After he pulls out, I put my car into drive and follow behind him, always keeping space between us so he doesn't immediately see me if he looks behind him. After about fifteen minutes, Louis pulls up to a curb. I park in a vacant driveway, as I watch him grab something from his passenger seat. I expect him to get out, or honk to signal his arrival, but he does neither. After about 20 minutes, i check the time, the clock on my dash reading 8:36 AM. After about five minutes, a man exits the house Louis has been focused on, and Louis starts his car as the man starts his. I follow behind, with Louis tailing the mystery man and myself following him. I watch as Louis documents all of the strangers' movements, from a small coffee shop, to a large building that reads 'ACCENTURE'. With me trailing behind him, Louis parks in the parking lot of the building. While I have the time, I decide to think about this. Maybe he works here, and Ed got it wrong? The guy he followed could easily be a friend or boyfriend. Maybe I'm just overthinking this entire situation and being a creep. I decided that waiting around at an office building wouldn't be a very resourceful day, so i back out of the space I was in, giving one last look towards Louis' car, and drive away.


Harry makes his way to the nearest Starbucks, and decides to sit inside and do some actual business related work on his laptop. After picking up his Latte and chocolate croissant from the front counter, he opens his laptop and decides to check the Emails for 17BLACK. He sees that he needs to set up some promotional nights, and that there are six private parties he needs to warn his staff about beforehand. After typing out a group email to all of the staff, he moves onto inventory, checking to see if he needs to order more liquor or if he needs to replace anything. When he had 'founded' 17BLACK, it was mostly to launder money, and partly to sell drugs, but over time he realized he wanted it to be more. So, he updated everything, changed the layout, and got people to spread the word that you could find good times and even better drugs there. After a few months, and a few celebrity appearances, business was booming, bringing in over $50,000 a night, not including what he pays the staff or what he puts back into the bar. After sitting in the coffee shop for a little over five hours, Harry decides to make his way back to the parking lot from this morning, only to find out that Louis is still there, only in a different space. He chalks this up to it being almost 2 PM, meaning that Louis probably went somewhere for lunch.

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