Chapter 66, Wild! Wild! Wild!

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HELLO! SATURDAY UPDATE!!! gold star any mistakes!

Here's your warning, there's smut in this chapter ;) so beware, hope you enjoy! 



I wake with a start, and it only takes my brain about six seconds to catch up with what woke me up. I take a quick look out of the window to see that it looks to be about dawn, and I instinctively look next to me in search of Louis, only to find the space next to me empty. Was that?... No, not another dream, please... I sigh when I hear the sound of the shower going, reassuring me that the last few hours weren't just another dream, similar to the others I've had in the past few weeks. I sit up and rub my eyes, but I pause in my movement when I faintly hear Louis...Crying? In an instant, I'm out of bed and speed walking to the closed bathroom door. Thankfully, it's not locked, so I'm able to check on Louis fairly easily.

When the door opens I see that Louis' in the shower fully clothed, and when the door creaks the sound alerts him to the fact that he's not alone and I watch as he tries to shrink down and make himself disappear into the cold tile around him. I know this look, and seeing how he reacts to my presence, I know that this is him trying to find comfort in a small space and that means that he's either had a nightmare, or he's trying to create a space to process. Going by how many times I've dealt with this, I speak up before I even think about moving towards him. I take one step over, to clear the doorway so that he knows that he has a way out if he needs it.

"Lou? It's Harry, can you hear me? I'm here to help you Baby, can I do that?" When I say his name, his head pops out from where it's tucked between his knees, and thankfully his eyes aren't wild or dazed like I had expected them to be, so that means that he's most likely not reacting like this because of a Damien related dream. Before I can try and figure out the issue Louis speaks up, his voice sounding scratchy and raw as he says, "Harry?... Do you maybe think that we can find someone for me to? I don't think that I want to handle this on my own anymore. I don't think that I can do it on my own anymore." I nod, and feel relieved at the fact that he doesn't flinch when I start to walk towards him. Once I'm in the shower, I reach above the curled-up man and turn the knob, shutting the water off. When the water hits my arm, I realize how low the temperature is, and I curse. "Shit Babe, you must be freezing. Can we get you dried off?" When I realize how cold he is, I also see how much he's shaking, but thankfully he nods his head and lets me help him up.

Once I get him out, I carefully wrap a towel around him and realize that he needs dry clothes. I set him down on the closed toilet lid as I say, "Baby, I need to go get your clothes from your room. I'll be right back, okay?" Before I can step away, a hand shoots out from underneath the towel and grabs at my hip. I look at his face, and recognize the expression carved into it, and I immediately understand what the gesture means. I sigh, nod, and look around for something dry and at least semi-clean to put on him, but my search comes up empty. There is a laundry hamper in the corner of the bedroom, but it's filled with clothes that he couldn't wear because they are too dirty. I decide to try and see if I can get him to the bedroom so that I can look for clean clothes, so I look at Louis and say, "Dove, can we go into the bedroom? I need to find something dry for you to wear, is that okay?"

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