Chapter 9, I Find And I Place Blame.

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After a very uneventful night, and luckily, a dreamless sleep, i wake up and immediately know today is going to be good. Not that killing people is ever good, but today three people are going to get justice. That boy is going to get justice. I shake my head, hoping to clear my thoughts, and make my way to the bathroom. After doing my morning routine of showering and feeding both of my pets along with myself, I make my way to the closet. I know I don't want to draw attention to myself today, so that means I need to wear something that wouldn't make anything about me stand out. I pull back pants and a black tee out of my options, and slip out of my sleep shorts and into these. After getting dressed I head back to the living room, finishing off my juice and preparing Clifford for the day outside. Watching him slip out of the door and into the backyard, I move to the front door and pull on my trusty old Vans. After grabbing my keys from the table, I throw open the front door, hearing Princess meow from her place on her tower. I blow her kisses, saying "Don't throw up on the couch!" as i exit, putting the key in the lock and turning until i hear the click. Giving the knob a jiggle for good measure, i make my way to my car.

As I slump down into the seat, I thank the me from last night who brought my laptop and notebook with all of the information on Adam out and set it in the passenger seat, knowing that I wouldn't want to do it in the morning. I scan through the notebook, finding Adams home address, and type it into my phone. After seeing where I'm heading, I start my car and exit the driveway. After a few stop lights, i roll to a stop and park my car next to the curb near his house. After about 20 minutes, he comes out wearing a typical work outfit. I take my car out of park, and begin to follow him, not caring about hiding myself because he's never seen me or my car. I follow him to a shitty coffee shop, and then finally, we both make our way to Accenture. While I park, a sense of dread fills me. The victims were all assaulted at different times in the day, all on different days of the week, which means I have to sit here and watch him. All. Fucking. Day. There's not much I can do other than scroll through my phone and look at Social media, i update my fake account to keep things from looking suspicious, posting a really photoshopped picture of some random girl so my feed isn't spotty. I move back to my regular account, LookWhereTimegoes, and spend my time looking through celebrity gossip and the photography pictures I've posted. The account only has 37 followers, and doesn't include anything but pictures of my shoes and different flowers or things id wanted to document after I was free. No one knows that each one of these pictures have a story behind them, from all of my 'first time America' to the things I'd missed most about being free. Captions about feeling the sun on my skin again, or tasting chocolate for the first time in three years. Most of my followers probably think I'm a homebody or that I've been on a strict diet. The thought makes me giggle, with a little bit of hatred towards the person who kept him from those things.

After sitting in the parking lot outside of Adam's work for 4 hours, I see him exit the building, waving at a coworker as he gets into his car. I look at the time, noting that its a little past 1 PM, which means he's probably making a lunch run. My stomach rumbles at the thought of food, and as he's backing out I reach into my back seat and grab a granola bar out of the snack bag I keep there. Before he can fully exit the space, i start my car and follow after him. He could be using the time his job allows him to find victims, or he could be randomly choosing them. Either way, I need to make sure he doesn't do anything. After following him, we end up at a hipster restaurant with a smiling bowl of hummus as the logo. I watch him enter, and come back out about ten minutes later, which gives away how shitty this place must be if he was able to get in and out in less than 30 minutes, during lunch hours in Chicago. Leaving the parking lot of the restaurant, I see him pull over and try to talk to a teenage boy. Before he can fully stop to chat, i honk my horn and scare him, and he speeds away without even looking in my direction. I pull to the side, handing the boy 10 $1 bills for the bus before heading back towards Accenture. When I arrive, Adam is pulling into his designated spot, and I make my way to an open space about six cars away from him. I watch as he sits in his car and eats his food. After about ten minutes of watching this dirty fuck repeatedly drop food and chew with his mouth open, he grabs his trash and makes his way back into the building. I stay in my spot, and decide to use the next few hours to do work on my laptop.

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