Chapter 76, Twisted In Bedsheets

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rushed update!!! tell me if I've made mistakes!!! 



When I wake up from our nap, I see that Louis looks chipper from where he's sitting against the headboard beside me. He's on the phone, talking animatedly, but when he notices that I'm awake he smiles and speaks into the phone, "I've got to go, Ol's. Meet you tomorrow? - Yeah, eleven is fine." He grumbles as he says the time, making me smile, but I don't hear anything other than him saying goodbye before he leans down and kisses me. I welcome him, and try to sit up to accommodate him, and I'm able to do it without breaking the kiss entirely. When he pulls back, I expect him to speak or stand, but to my surprise and enjoyment, Louis climbs into my lap and traps me with his thighs. I look up at him, not hiding the surprise on my face as I do, and he simply smiles at me, the cheeky shit.

I thought that after his therapy session Louis would sleep for a few days and be upset with everything, but based on the way that he's rocking in my lap, he's done a very pleasant 180. I hold his hips still, keeping him from grinding down, making him groan in frustration as I say, "Angel, what's gotten into you, huh?" I slide my warm hands up and down his sides, but I put them back on his hips when he tries to move again. A whine escapes his throat, making me chuckle and say, "So desperate, Baby. What do you need? Want me to touch you? Maybe kiss you a little? That what you want?"

I watch as he tries to wiggle as he nods, but then he shakes his head in frustration. Just to mess with him, I move his hips just a little, enough to cause friction, making him start grinding again. I let him, but only for a second as he kisses me, and then I pull back and keep him in place once more. He lets out another frustrated moan/whine, and I tease him again when I see the desperate look on his face. "Gotta tell me what you need, Angel. I can't read your mind, you know?" Even though I'm painfully hard, I focus on him, running a hand up his bare stomach and chest to thumb over his nipple, drawing a breathy shutter out of him, one so sweet that it makes me smile.

I've always loved this version of him, because I'm the only one who gets to have him this way. He already looks wrecked, with his pupils blown and his lungs struggling to breathe properly, and his voice matches how he looks when it interrupts me from studying his beauty. He finally speaks up, telling me what he wants, no, needs. "Need you, Harry. Please, please. Want you in me, please Daddy?" I smirk when he says the last word, and at his final directness, and then I let myself do what I wanted to do the second that he straddled me.

Within seconds, I have his back against the mattress and I'm sliding his shorts down his legs. I smirk when I see that he's wearing pale blue panties, and I know instantly that he did this on purpose because he wasn't wearing those earlier. I would know, I was staring at his ass while he changed. When I realize the intent behind this, I look at him from where I'm hovering over the blue fabric and say, "Did you put these on for me, Dove? Wanted to be pretty for me, is that it?" I kiss his thigh, and then the scar that has my initial underneath it. I can't help but murmur compliments when I see the look on his face.

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