Chapter 74, Put Me Out

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Hello! Late update (oops)



Louis wakes with a start, with Harry coaxing him out of a bad dream. He hasn't had one that intense in a while, so when his automatic reaction is to cry, all he can do is let Harry hold him and wait for his mind to calm while he listens to the reassuring words that are being said. Of course, the taller man doesn't mind, even though Louis' nightmares have given him bruises and a few busted lips from the thrashing, Harry is quick to hold him so that Louis doesn't hurt himself. He knows that he can't help the pain that Louis is feeling emotionally, but keeping him from accidentally hurting himself physically is something that he knows he can do, so he holds him tight and waits for a sign to back away.

He waits until he sees one of Louis' 'tells', something that helps Harry figure out if the smaller man is spaced out or if he's simmered down enough, and when he sees that it's the latter, he speaks up. "Baby. Louis, it's alright, hey, you're safe." He has to change his tone for a second, just to catch the attention of the boy in his arms, but it only half way seems to work. Trying again when he's met with a semi-blank stare, Harry repeats his words. "Lou, it's safe. You're okay here Dove. It's alright." It takes a moment to sink in, but finally the words seem to breach the wall in Louis' mind, making him sniffle and messily wipe at his face before he speaks up.

"Harry?" As he says it, he turns in the arms that hold him and slumps against Harry's chest. The older man brings his hand up and brushes Louis' hair away from his face, and once he can see the pretty blue's that he loves so much, Harry keeps running his hand through the light brown hair in front of him. "Are you alright, Darling? That one... It was rough, wasn't it? You haven't had one like that around me in a while." 

The smaller of the two nods, but then shakes his head, making Harry ask if Louis would like to talk about it. After a bit of hesitance on the younger man's behalf, he finally voices his nightmare. "I was... I was in the library. You know, at Damien's? Except, I wasn't. I heard you calling my name, and when I opened the door to find you, it was him. He was right fucking there. I- fuck. I hate how real they can be. Sometimes it's easy to tell what's real and what's fake or whatever, but then sometimes... Ugh, it's just too bloody real."

Harry nods, knowing exactly what the boy in his arms means, and he keeps doing his comforting motions as he says, "I know what you mean Baby. Is there anything that I can do to help? I don't... My coping mechanism used to be drugs and alcohol, but I wouldn't really... recommend that..." He sounds sheepish when he says it, and it surprises Harry when Louis starts to shake on top of him, and he panics until he carefully takes a look and sees that Louis is laughing. The older man huffs, faking being annoyed but he's secretly glad that he caused such a reaction, even wasn't on purpose

After a second, Louis catches his breath and calms down, "Sorry, sorry. It's just, I mean obviously you wouldn't recommend that, and not to mention your tone," He laughs once more before he lets out a long sigh, and then in one swift movement he sits up and wipes his face. "Alright, enough of that, I'm fine. Where's my-"

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